
Slideshow (3229 photos)

Acadia (map)

The long drive back to Pompey in the Vansion (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)

Studying the guidebook (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)

Translantic: Funky climbing out of a cave on P1 of Translantic

Enjoying the view from Great Head

Morning Glory: Leslie enjoying sea cliff climbing at its best

Preparing to rappel down over the water at Great Head (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)

Painting on top of Great Head (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)

Preparing to rappel at Great Head (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)

Black Crack: At the start of Black Crack; after we climbed this, we learned that nobody does this route because it was altered by rock fall

Rocky coastline near Otter Cliffs

Home away from home, at the Otter Cliffs parking area

Fingers on a Seascape: Crimpy (and reachy) climbing on great rock

The Precipice, as seen from the road

View from The Precipice, looking towards the ocean

A Dare By the Sea: Following a beautiful crack above the sea, perhaps one of the best routes at Otter Cliffs

Emigrant Crack: One of the better cracks at The Precipice, although one can step left at several points to reduce the pump factor

Adirondacks (map)

Adirondack weather (Keene Valley)


North East Ice


Adirondack Rock and River Ice Conditions

New guidebook for the Adirondack Park


The Matrix: The Matrix Epic


The Matrix: The Matrix buttress at Avalanche Lake


The Matrix: Topo of a few routes at Avalanche Lake


3D: Traversing to the belay on the first pitch of 3D


Early morning light over Avalanche Lake


Joe and Will sitting on the ledge below the fin


Unknown: Will leading the leftmost crack on the fin (5.10+)


Sufferin' Succatash: Midway up one of the stellar chimney climbs, right of the rock route "3D"


A Usable Amount: Lots of hard routes on this wall. The most prominent yellow ice is "A Usable Amount", put up by Will


Gate Keeper: Joe on Gate Keeper, just left of the 2nd hitch-up-matilda; we bailed here due to delaminated ice


The Matrix: Matrix wall from high on Scott Decapio's route. Visible are Gold Rush, Fools Gold, and The Matrix. Way to the right are the hangers climbed by Alex Lowe


Matrix Direct, The Other One: My first try on leashless tools; I failed miserably, lowering off just after this point


Matrix Direct, The Other One: Bones gets established on the ice


Matrix Direct, The Other One: The Matrix with just enough ice to make it climbable

Matrix Direct, The Other One: Bones places a screw in the better ice


Matrix Direct, The Other One: View of the Matrix; the "other one" starts on the rock between the pines.


Matrix Direct, The Other One: At the top of the M7+ rock section


Matrix Direct, The Other One: High on the upper section


Matrix Direct, The Other One: Cranking through the initial overhanging crack


Matrix Direct, The Other One: Bones works out the moves on the initial overhanging crack


Gate Keeper: The route Gate Keeper (the thin ribbon on the left) as seen from De Capio's route


Unknown: Climbing a pillar on the east side of Avalanche Pass before one reaches the lake; the climb is broken into two parts -- the initial pillar to a ledge, then a rock overhang


Unknown: Bones climbs thin, poorly protected ice leading to a free-hanging ice column above


Tad's map of Avalanche Lake showing the routes


Keymaster: Jim climbs the first ascent of Keymaster, a mixed route just right of Gatekeeper (Copyright © Simeon Warner)


Dad and Bruce on the summit of Big Slide in the early 1970s (Copyright © Jack Lawyer)


My Favorite Martian: Kristy following John up My Favorite Martian in Cascade Pass


Pete's Farwell: Nikos starting on the third pitch


Posing on the lake after completing Killer Whale


Haggis and Cold Toast: Simeon chimneying up Haggis and Cold Toast in the Beer Walls


H14: George gears up to follow H14


H14: Series 1: Clipping the pin that Joe thankfully placed on the first ascent


H14: Series 2: Delicate moves are required to keep the little remaining ice intact


H14: Series 3: Near the end of the difficulties


Big Brother: Approaching the final free-hanging pillar on Big Brother


Buford: Climbing the initial steep pillar on Buford; this pillar is shared between Bubba, Buford, and Ice Storm


Buford: Moving up the final overhanging smear of ice at the top of the route; the crux of the route is the traverse connecting the pillar of Bubba to the yellow drips on the right


Laceration: Tommy leading the steep ice smear of Laceration


Reunion: Tommy leads the thin lower face that leads to the cave


Reunion: After getting gear in the rock cave, Tommy climbs the crux column


Artificial Gravity: Tommy starts the crux pitch of Artificial Gravity; the pillar on the right side is Power Play


Artificial Gravity: At the top, the ice overhangs; the route finishes by mounting the free-hanging pillar to the right


Unknown: The free-hanging pillar is the crux of this route, although the unprotected climbing above is engaging


Not Likely: Series 1: Jeremy climbs Not Likely, an alternative finish to Lilith that climbs a free hanging dagger that drips from an off-width chimney


Not Likely: Series 2: Jeremy climbs Not Likely, an alternative finish to Lilith that climbs a free hanging dagger that drips from an off-width chimney


Not Likely: Series 3: Jeremy climbs Not Likely, an alternative finish to Lilith that climbs a free hanging dagger that drips from an off-width chimney


Not Likely: Series 4: Jeremy climbs Not Likely, an alternative finish to Lilith that climbs a free hanging dagger that drips from an off-width chimney


Not Likely: Series 5: Jeremy climbs Not Likely, an alternative finish to Lilith that climbs a free hanging dagger that drips from an off-width chimney


Not Likely: Series 6: Jeremy climbs Not Likely, an alternative finish to Lilith that climbs a free hanging dagger that drips from an off-width chimney


The Power Play wall with a few routes labeled


Rhiannon: The Big Brother wall in fat conditions; Big Brother is on the broken ice column on the left, Tommy is on Rhiannon, and Lilith is on the far right. On the orange wall just right of Tommy is the free-hanging column called Not Likely


Reunion: The cave is exited using an ice host that drips on the face to the left; the strip of ice on the right is Laceration


Power Play: Ade climbs the sketchy ice in the center section of Power Play


Runaway Jury: A nice face climb at the Courthouse


Geronimo: Climbing the initial offwidth


Birches at the base of Geronimo -- water color (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Life During Wartime: First free ascent of Life During Wartime, Echo Cliff


The now-famous Unit


Nipple Top from Elk Lake (Copyright © Jack Lawyer)


Staring out into space on the top of Sunrise Mountain near Elk Lake


The Fecalator: Working out the moves on The Fecalator


The Fecalator: Working out the moves on The Fecalator


The Fecalator: Working out the moves on The Fecalator


The Fecalator: Tommy belays Bones as he works the moves on The Fecalator


The Fecalator: Working out the moves on The Fecalator


The Fecalator: Tommy belays Bones as he works the moves on The Fecalator

The Fecalator: One-arm hang, attempting to rest


Lucky Stars: Jim on the first ascent of Lucky Stars (5.11R) at Good Luck Cliff


Columbus: Mike on the first ascent of a new route right of Cleveland, Good Luck Cliff


Lucky Stars: Bill making the route safer after the first ascent

Mystery Achievement: Will leading the beautiful 5.9 hand crack after a night of heavy partying


Lucky Stars: Bill cleans the route with a wire brush on rappel


Direct South Face: Topping out on the South Face route


Direct South Face: Simon and Lori at the belay on top of pitch 1; the lovely yellow lichen is characteristic of the south face


The south face of Gothics as seen from the summit of Pyramid


Direct South Face: The south face of Gothics as seen from the summit of Pyramid with the 3-pitch 5.9 route described


Left of Passage: Tom climbing around the chockstone on the direct start of Left of Passage


Jim at Heart Lake in 1978


There Be Dragons: Bones approaches the crux roof/corner


There Be Dragons: Stemming through the crux; one more move and he's got a sinker hand jam


Route of Opressive Power: Dennis leads the crux of the route while Jim belays


Route of Opressive Power: Dennis finally nails the crux and struggles with the hand jams above


Dad resting on a bridge near Avalanche Lean-to


Jim hiking in the mid 1970s


Dizzle showing off the singlet


Dizzle starts a lap


Earl hangs out at camp

Posing with Lori


Geriatric Profanity Disorder: Following up GPD in the fall


Apollo Tucker: Simon silhouetted against the sky on Apollo Tucker

Hooligans: Tad, following the second pitch of Hooligans, Hurricane Crag


The gang at the Winter camp, late 70's


Cheese and Crackers: Chris, following Cheese and Crackers, King Wall


Chronic Fixation: John near the second bolt of Chronic Fixation at the King Wall


Cheese and Crackers: Just past the crux on the fragile upper columns


Chronic Fixation: Chris warms up on one of the easier routes at the King Wall


Kingdom Come: Jim belays Chris who is following the second pitch; the traverse is hard, but made easier using chimney moves with your back

Kingdom Come: Jim climbs the first pitch (5.11c) of Kingdom Come; the route continues left, then climbs the broken arching rock rightwards to a belay


Kingdom Come: Closeup of Jim on the first pitch


Unexpected Pleasures: Leading the top section of Unexpected Pleasures on Knob Lock


Lock and Load: Don't Listen to your Friends (Copyright © Ade Miller)


Lock and Load: Ade leading on a cold day with brittle ice


Dr. Villarica's Rocket Polish: Martin leading the first ascent of Dr. Villarica's Rocket Polish


Dr. Villarica's Rocket Polish: Topping out on the crux in thin conditions


Topo of Lock Ness


Lock Ness


Lock and Load: Topo of Lock Ness


Lock and Load: Jim leading the first ascent of Lock and Load


Lock and Load: Jim leading the first ascent of Lock and Load


The Best Ice Route in the Philippines: Jim leading the first ascent of The Best Ice Route in the Philippines


Too Early: Simeon leading the first ascent of Too Early on the lower wall of Lock Ness


Camera Trouble: Jim leading in a snow storm on Camera Trouble on the upper wall of Lock Ness


Karen (of the Cliffhanger) preparing to climb at Lock Ness


Creation Of The World: Route description (and beta!) for Creation Of The World on Moss Cliff


Fear of Flying: Leading the offwidth 3rd pitch


Hard Times: High in the corner of the third pitch of Hard Times


Hard Times: Simeon at the top of the chimney pitch, belaying Simon


Crossing the river using a Tyrolean traverse


Falconer: Kevin doing a split at the crux of Falconer


Spirit of Adventure: Climbing the dramatic arete; this crux is moving onto the face (at the level of the gear in the photo), but the top is no giveaway

Creation of the World: Jeremy climbs the thin face past the bolt at the start (Copyright © Will Mayo)


Creation of the World: After placing gear in the corner, Jeremy prepares to layback (Copyright © Will Mayo)


Creation of the World: Jeremy places a piece of gear into the expanding flake above the bolt; this gear sucks, and he later removed it (Copyright © Will Mayo)


Creation of the World: After reaching a good hold for the left foot, Jeremy scopes the shallow corner for better protection (Copyright © Will Mayo)


Creation of the World: At the end of the traverse on the 2nd pitch (5.11a), finally able to place some better gear (Copyright © Will Mayo)


Creation of the World: Getting established in the hand crack at the end of the traverse on the second pitch (5.11a) (Copyright © Will Mayo)


Creation of the World: Climbing the fist-crack on the second pitch (5.11a) (Copyright © Will Mayo)


Creation of the World: Climbing the fist-crack on the second pitch (5.11a) (Copyright © Will Mayo)

Creation of the World: The crack turns to wide fists before becoming off-width just above (2nd pitch) (Copyright © Will Mayo)


Creation of the World: Approaching the hanging cedar on the 2nd pitch (5.11a) (Copyright © Will Mayo)


Creation of the World: Joe belays while Jim eats a granola bar (Copyright © Will Mayo)


Eagle Slab: Lucie and Jim on the Summit of Giant after climbing Eagle Slab


Pushing it, after 20 hours (Copyright © Jen Mattson)


On the final lap of the 24-hour race (Copyright © Jen Mattson)


Start of the "24-Hours in the Adirondacks" mountain bike race (Copyright © Jen Mattson)


Waiting at the transition area


Approaching the Palisades across the ice of Lake Champlain from the Vermont side


Drop, Swim, or Die: George and Joe scope out the route from Lake Champlain; the route is in especially fat conditions and is usually approached from the top via rappel


Drop, Swim, or Die: Climbing the crux column low on the route


Drop, Swim, or Die: The second crux climbs the ice above the climber through the constriction in the rock


Lake Champlain Monster: The leftmost route at The Palisades; the ice doesn't reach the bottom, thus the first ascent traversed in from the left; Will climbed a direct start on rock reaching the free-hanging pillars on the right side


Lake Champlain Monster: Jeremy checks out the ice with the "Monster" in the background


For The Birds: Jeremy scopes out the line from the lake; the first ascent of this route occurred earlier this same day


For The Birds: Jeremy climbs the initial ice bulge, using nuts on the right for protection


For The Birds: The crux of the first pitch is a thin ice column protected with rock gear on the sides


For The Birds: With the gear in place, the ice column can be safely climbed


For The Birds: Just above the belay, the climbing is secure, but the ice is melted out and sketchy


For The Birds: George does the third ascent in one long pitch while Jim and Joe watch


Here Come the Pigs: Tom leading the first ascent at Pharaoh Mt.


Tom posing at the base of his new route


Tres Amigos in the road at Poko


Freedom Flight: John high on the third pitch of Freedom Flight


Freedom Flight: John high on the third pitch of Freedom Flight


Goats Foot: Jim low down on Goats Foot, Poko (Copyright © Tad Welch)


Goats Foot: Close-up of Jim leading Goats Foot, Poko

Goats Foot: Jim leading Goats Foot, Poko


Goats Foot Left: Chris and Joe attempting a line left of Goat's Foot

Hidden Pique: Jim high in the Hidden Pique corner, Poko (Copyright © Simeon Warner)

Bushido: Thin steep ice on Bushido, Poko


Midlife Crisis: Joe leading the final column on Midlife Crisis during the second ground-up ascent


Waterfall: Will leading the Poko Waterfall in lean conditions


Positive Thinking: Positive Thinking, as seen from the road in fat conditions (Copyright © Simeon Warner)


Positive Thinking: Jim starting the first pitch of Positive Thinking, Poko


Positive Thinking: Jim high up in the hand crack of Positive Thinking, first pitch

Positive Thinking: Close-up of Jim high up in the hand crack of Positive Thinking, first pitch


Positive Thinking: Simon leading the second pitch of Positive Thinking, Poko


Run for your Life: Simeon leading on the upper tier of Poko


Bushido: John at the base of the Poko Waterfall


Joe with refreshments at the base of Cirrhosis


Son of Slime: Making the traverse on the first pitch of Son of Slime


Son of Slime: Close-up of Jim making the traverse on Son of Slime


Positive Thinking: Ade leading the first pitch of Positive Thinking in fat conditions


Positive Thinking: Ade leading the first pitch of Positive Thinking in fat conditions


Positive Thinking: Dave soloing the lower section of PT in fat conditions


Midlife Crisis: Leading the top column of Midlife Crisis in cold, brittle conditions (Copyright © Ade Miller)

Midlife Crisis: Leading the top column of Midlife Crisis in cold, brittle conditions (Copyright © Ade Miller)


Midlife Crisis: Leading the top crux column of Midlife Crisis in cold, brittle conditions (Copyright © Ade Miller)


Positive Thinking: Leading the third pitch of PT in thin conditions (Copyright © Ade Miller)


Positive Thinking: Positive thinking from the road; fat conditions


Positive Thinking: Simeon leading the second pitch


Stingray: Stingray, shown using the first pitch of PT

Waterfall: Tommy leading an ambitious line on the Waterfall with Katherine Snead


Waterfall: Tommy leading an ambitious line on the Waterfall with Katherine Snead


Legends contemplate the remaining work on the new routes near Pilgrim's Progress


Lori with her bandage


Legends at the base of Poko


Lori taped and ready to go


Pilgrim's Progress: Jim at the start of the second pitch (yes, those are bolts next to the crack; what you can't see is that the crack is really the left edge of an enormous arrowhead-shaped detached block)


Ancient of Days: Dennis halfway through the overhangs on the last pitch


Ancient of Days: Getting ready to pull through the exit moves on the last pitch


Ancient of Days: Just below the notch that breaks through the overhangs on the last pitch


Ancient of Days: Pulling through the final overhangs


Ancient of Days: About to pull through the final overhangs


Casual Observer: The death of my Nikon 28TI


Morning Star: Straining to pull the final layback move on Morning Star (Copyright © Dennis Luther)


Morning Star: The final pitch of Morning Star climbs a steep face to a layback finish around a bulge (Copyright © Dennis Luther)


Morning Star: Cleaning a nut on the second pitch (Copyright © Dennis Luther)


Thunderhead: Bones works his way out the roof on the second pitch


Thunderhead: Bones climbs through the crux on the second pitch; this picture was taken just prior to falling


Quitting early to help polish off one very large beer


Fastest Gun: At the top of the off-width section on the first pitch


Pilgrim's Progress: Jeremy follows the first pitch (5.10a) of Pilgrim's Progress


Moonshine: Joe places protection in a small cave before moving out onto crappy unconsolidated ice


Moonshine: A few tenuous moves get around the cave


Moonshine: Joe climbs the steeper ice; the crux is just above


Moonshine: Michelle casually follows Moonshine


Positive Thinking: A climber on the first pitch of Positive Thinking in super fat conditions


Dark Lord: Dark Lord in melt-out conditions at Poko's upper tier


Hold the Mayo: Hold the Mayo


Hold the Mayo: Will leading the start of P1, "Hold the Mayo" (WI5+ M6)


Hold the Mayo: Will resting on "Hold the Mayo"


Hold the Mayo: Will higher in the corner on "Hold the Mayo"


Hold the Mayo: Will finally reaches the ice dagger on "Hold the Mayo"

Hold the Mayo: Jim leading pitch 2 of "Hold the Mayo"


Fear of Frogs: Joe solo-aid climbing a route left of Hold the Mayo, Poko Upper Tier


Mechanical Hydraulic Control: Tom seconding the corner left of Fear of Gravity


Your Anus: Tom getting a rest after squeezing through the crux on Your Anus

The Jackal: Setting pro high before climbing the crux; The Jackal overhangs gently for most of its length


The Jackal: With higher gear, Joe moves into the crux once again


The Jackal: Laybacking through the crux


The Jackal: Joe resting before the crux moves on the Jackal


Dark Lord: The opening moves of Dark Lord clims ice under a roof, up into a corner, then onto a free-hanging pillar


Dark Lord: Starting up the steep middle section of the route


Dark Lord: The crux of the route climbs melted ice on black rock. The ice in the corner is shaded and therefore more solid than the ice on the face.


Fear of a Flat Planet: Jeremy leading the huge roof; after this roof, there's a perfect finger crack that leads one into the overhanging rock left-of-center in the photo


Double Diamond: Just before the meat of the climbing on Double Diamond


Double Diamond: Sinking the tips into the this layback crack


Double Diamond: Jeremy clips into gear in the thin crack


Double Diamond: Taking a rest on the left

Double Diamond: Climbing through the crux, Jeremy places more gear

Double Diamond: Grabbing the bucket past the crux


Double Diamond: Final moves to the anchor


Tom and Nona having dessert in the kitchen after a day of ice climbing


Fear and Loathing in Keene Valley: Series 1: Dennis climbs the initial intimidating wall


Fear and Loathing in Keene Valley: Series 2: Starting into the crux finger crack

Fear and Loathing in Keene Valley: Series 3: Struggling with the crux of the route


Fear and Loathing in Keene Valley: Full sequence of Dennis climbing Fear and Loathing in Keene Valley


Romano's Route: Don climbs the lower crux section of the route


Lucie painting at the Spider's Web


Eternity: Will traversing into the base of the Eternity crack; we bailed here due to wetness


Fear and Loathing in Keene Valley: Belaying at the base of the Web


Drop, Fly, or Die: Colin reaches for gear after the difficult traverse


Drop, Fly, or Die: Colin climbs the steep crack of Drop, Fly, or Die, belayed by Joe


It's Only Entertainment: About midway up the diagonal crack

It's Only Entertainment: Placing gear at midpoint on the diagonal crack


It's Only Entertainment: At the end of the diagonal crack; a couple of pieces here protect the crux left traverse


It's Only Entertainment: Halfway across the crux traverse

Ku Klux Ken: Awkard jams at the start of Ku Klux Ken

Ku Klux Ken: Chris powers through a couple strnuous moves

Ku Klux Ken: Pretty cool pinch hold

Ku Klux Ken: Laybacks near the top


Ku Klux Ken: A long reach; still not there yet


The Apology: On the traverse to the final ice smear


The Apology: Reaching the final ice smear after 80' of dry tooling


The Apology: The final moves up the ice after the traverse


Unknown: Just off the ground, Chris searches for his first placement


Unknown: Joe belays Chris as he attempts a new line


Unknown: Chris places the purple Camalot, the first piece of protection


Unknown: Scanning the rock for a possible line; after this point, Chris aborted the attempt


Where's Karen: Joe climbs the initial section of ice that leads to an overhanging crack; David sets up in the background to shoot The Apology


Jim and John on the way to Cragsmere


Lucie in the canoe near Cragsmere on Upper Chateaugay Lake


Diagonal: Kristy leading on the Diagonal on Wallface


Diagonal: Chris and Simon on the top of the ramp on the Diagonal, Wallface


Mental Blocks: Looking down from the roof pitch of Mental Blocks at Stuart, Roger, and Jim


Mental Blocks: Jim leading the third pitch of Mental Blocks, Wallface


Free Ride: Napping on Lunch Ledge, three pitches from the top


Free Ride: Moving into the first crux of the route on the first pitch; unfortunately, the business is right at the start of the route


Free Ride: At the belay on the Shield; these two pitches are some of the best face climbing in the northeast


Free Ride: Dennis leads pitch 4, the first Shield pitch


Free Ride: At the start of pitch 8, the "Endurance Corner"; the climbing here is very sustained, and the rock is a bit grainy


Free Ride: Resting about halfway through pitch 8


Free Ride: At the top of the cliff, the route traverses below a giant roof; a couple of hard [Houdini] moves, combined with awesome exposure, make this pitch a "must do"


Wallface, taken in the early morning from the viewpoint in Indian Pass


Free Ride: Close-up of the route Free Ride on Wallface


Free Ride: The route Free Ride on Wallface

Mental Blocks: Jim leading the second pitch of Mental Blocks, Wallface


Weekend Warrior: Shitty Choss Pile From Hell

Master Craft: Joe follows the steep initial pitch of Master Craft (led by Dennis unseen above)


Lucie painting at the Washbowl Cliff, below the route Flashdance

Wind Jammer: Unknown climber high on Wind Jammer, a perfect splitter crack


Polar Soldier: Tommy climbs the WI5 pillar on the left side of Polar Soldier


Polar Soldier: Tommy climbs the WI5 pillar on the left side of Polar Soldier

Yellow Pillars: Joe gets established after the traverse and prepares to climb the overhanging ice above


Yellow Pillars: Climbing into the steeper ice of the crux


Yellow Pillars: Overview showing Bombcicle and Yellow Pillars

Alabama Hills (map)

Leaping between boulders

Tons of rock, like J-Tree but without all the gorgeous desert plant life

Muffy: Easy face climbing on plates with cool orange lichen

Puzzling out the routes in the Corridor

Belaying in the Corridor

Pangborn: Starting up Pangborn, one of the longer routes at the Hills

Pangborn: Dancing up the face

Pangborn: Looking like an ant on the face, Tommy runs up the endless plates to the anchor

Call of the Canyon: Old school Tommy sport climbing…yeah boy!

Call of the Canyon: Resting at a good handhold

Call of the Canyon: Resting at a good handhold

Beautiful Alabama Hills

Hang 'Em High: Crimping at the start of Hang 'Em High

Hang 'Em High: More crimps through the crux

Hang 'Em High: Grabbing for a draw

Hang 'Em High: The route finishes in a crack

High Plains Drifter: Palming low down on the route (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

High Plains Drifter: Thin crimps at the crux (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

High Plains Drifter: Sweet face climbing with high steps (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Alimosa River Canyon (map)

Unknown: Looking down after the difficulties


Unknown: Climbing the perfect splitter hand crack


Unknown: Posing after the difficult initial hand crack


Parking in the boulder field in front of the crag


The "Upper Wall" of the Alimosa River Canyon


Making shadows at sunset


Tommy's truck parked next to a giant boulder


Gearing up for another crack climb


Unknown: Following an awesome hand crack

American Fork Canyon (map)

Sorry, no pictures available

Angel Falls (map)

Rapping the largest waterfall, Big Angel; there are a bunch of route possibilities here

Unknown: The easier line at Little Angel

Unknown: Going through a small, unprotected roof

Unknown: Clearing the roof

Preparing to climb Little Angel

Rapping Little Angel; we led two routes here, one directly under the rappeller, and one to the right

Annapolis Rocks (map)

Sorry, no pictures available

Appalachian Trail (map)

Appalachian Trail Conference


Tracy and Jim at the southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail -- Springer Mountain


Tracy and Jim relaxing after a day of hiking; notice the paper towels, Sierra Club cups, and prototype Marmot bivy sacks


Posing for the camera somewhere in Georgia


Tracy and Pete crossing the Kennebec…naked


Jim and Tracy take a refreshing dip in Frye Brook (Copyright © Tracy Pierce)


Relaxing in New Hampshire


Reprovisioning in Tennessee


Tracy at camp somewhere in Tennessee; by this time, we ditched the bivys in place of a prototype Early Winters single-wall Gortex tent


Tracy carrying a monster load in a Trailwise frame pack, somewhere in the deep south

Taking pictures in Vermont


lean-to somewhere in Vermont


Tired boy in Virginia


This is what happens with lots of exercise and insufficient calories


We hiked the Appalachian Trail when I was 15

Arapiles (Australia) (map)

Travels in Oz


View of Arapiles from a distance


Watch out for Kangaroos


A stumpy in the campground


Resignation: Ade leading the first pitch of Resignation


Bard Buttress in the early morning light

Bouldering in the early morning light


Kangaroo bouncing around beneath the Bard

Resignation: Jim leading steep rock on Resignation


Resignation: Ade and Martin at the belay on Resignation

Resignation: Martin at a belay on Resignation


Resignation: Ade following the second pitch of Resignation


Street life in Natimuk


Didgeridoo: Ade leading the first pitch of Didgeridoo


Organ Pipes in the early morning light


Tanin: Leading the top pitch of Tanin


Lamplighter: Ade following the last pitch of Lamplighter

Lamplighter: Jim and Martin at the top of the Pharos after completing Lamplighter


Lamplighter: Ade rapping off the Pharos after completing Lamplighter


Arachnus: Ade following the top pitch of Arachnus

Arachnus: Martin at the third belay of Arachnus


Chinese Algebra: Jim at the crux of Chinese Algebra, one of the hardest routes we did at Arapiles


Voodoo: Margin leading Voodoo

Arches (map)

Lots of arches, seen from the road

Navajo Arch, got to hike to see this one

Another cool arch, also have to hike to see it

Roadside rock, all balanced and stuff

Scene of the "incident"; cool arch, too many people (had to photoshop them out)

Jumble of redish rocks called the Fiery Furnace; pretty cool

Big span, amazing this is still standing

Arco (Italy) (map)

Lunch in the olive grove near the base of the routes


Hanging out at the cliffs near Nago


Riva Del Garda


Extensive limestone cliffs at Nago


Thin curved house in Nago


Narrow streets in Nago


Equinox: Sport climbing on great limestone

Avalanche Gulch (map)

The Fire Spire: Colin follows the first pitch, belayed from above by Tom, just before a major storm hit


The Fire Spire: Tommy and Colin gearing up at the base of the spire


The Fire Spire: Tom leading the first pitch of the spire

Bangkok (Thailand) (map)

People waiting for the bus in Bangkok

Batangas (Philippines) (map)

Martin and Lucie on the dive boat


Filipino children

Beartooth Mountains (map)

East Ridge: Tom hiking towards the Bear's Tooth


East Ridge: The Bear's Tooth, up close and personal after 9 miles of approach


East Ridge: Tom on the 4th class slabs just below the south face of the Bear's Tooth spire

Beaver Creek (map)

The Touareg in use -- early morning at the camp spot in Beaver Creek


The Eye of the Needle formation, just right of center


Batteries Not Included: Belaying Tommy on P1, enjoying the first sun in days (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)


Batteries Not Included: Rappelling through the "eye" of the needle at the top of Batteries Not Included (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Batteries Not Included: Rappelling through the "eye" of the needle at the top of Batteries Not Included (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)


Batteries Not Included: Gearing up at the base of the route


Fording the stream to get to the Eye of the Needle formation; very cold


Batteries Not Included: Tom leading P1, slightly off route. The "eye" after which the formation is named is visible above him.


Batteries Not Included: Colin and Tommy at the belay in front of the "eye"

Batteries Not Included: Colin follows P1 of Batteries Not Included; crisp limestone


Batteries Not Included: Colin follows P1 of Batteries Not Included; crisp limestone


Batteries Not Included: Colin rappels through the "eye"


The Eye of the Needle formation

Ben Nevis (Scotland) (map)

The Ben as seen from the CIC hut (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Climbers gearing up at the CIC hut; Jim is the tall one in the orange top (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


On the approach to the CIC hut (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


The Ben, as seen from about half way on the approach. Too bad you can't drive up this far. (Copyright © Eric Gregory)

The Ben as seeon from the approach (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Gear explosion in our tiny room above a pub in Fort William (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Pretty river on the Ben (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Lots of routes here - the Buachaille Etive Mor (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Lots of routes here - the Buachaille Etive Mor (Copyright © Eric Gregory)

Descending the Ben toward the Red Burn area


Point Five Gully: Eric in a mess of ropes after topping out


Point Five Gully: Standing on the summit plateau after topping out


Point Five Gully: A view of Point Five Gully on the approach. The route follows the obvious deep gully on the left.


Point Five Gully: Jim on the steep snow fields on the approach to the base of the route. Our ascent was the first for the year, so we were breaking trail. (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Point Five Gully: Leading the first pitch, which was a friable crust over rock (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Point Five Gully: Unknown Italian climbers attempting to pass (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Point Five Gully: Self portrait of Eric, cold and unhappy, but loving life (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Point Five Gully: The final belay before topping out (Copyright © Eric Gregory)

Point Five Gully: Breaking through the cornice onto the flat summit plateau (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Point Five Gully: White out on the summit; Jim is the tall person on the right (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Point Five Gully: Eric standing next to the emergency shelter (Copyright © Eric Gregory)

Descending off the summit through intermetent white out (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Descending from the col back into the valley (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Descending from the col back into the valley (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Descending from the col back into the valley (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


View of the Ben while descending from the summit (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


View of the Ben while descending from the summit (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Approaching the CIC hut after the descent; things starting to clear up (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


A view of the mountains on the drive up from Glasgow (Copyright © Eric Gregory)

Bishop Creek (map)

Unknown: Pretty much the only boulder we could climb; we suck

Shredded hands from 31 straight days of climbing

West Face: Slab at the top of P3

West Face: Nearing the top of P3, Lake Sabrina in the background

West Face: Leading P4 in the rain

West Face: View of the Bishop Creek valley from the top of P1

Cardinal Pinnacle, as seen from the dirt road on the other side of the valley

West Face: In a warm puffy jacket at the P2 belay, Aspendell in the background; the vansion is parked in the pullout on the road above Colin's head

Black Canyon (map)

Scenic Cruise: Jim's beta for Scenic Cruise


The view downstream from North Chasm View


Russian Arete: Looking upstream from Russian Arete, near the bottom


Russian Arete: Looking upstream from Russian Arete, near the bottom


Russian Arete: Looking upstream from Russian Arete, near the top of the route


Russian Arete: Chris at the bottom of the route

Blacktail Butte (map)

Inconceivable: Avoiding the snow in the high country, we retreated to Blacktail Butte and climbed a couple routes (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)


Inconceivable: Steep, polished limestone at Blacktail Butte (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Blue Cloud Spires (map)

Rocks littering the field near our camp site


Our camp spot next to large boulders. Too bad there's ticks.


Cows graze nearby our camp site


Scoping out the topouts of the routes on Elk Rock (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Rock hoping around the top of Elk Rock


Colin on top of large boulder


Awesome views off the back side of Elk Rock


Book of Payne: Tommy climbs the excellent corner crack on the Jedi Wall


Unknown: Good, well protected climbing at the "top rope area"; at least it's out of the wind. (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

The Road Goes On Forever: Super fun climbing on a freezing cold day (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)


The Road Goes On Forever: Super fun climbing on a freezing cold day (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

The Road Goes On Forever: Super fun climbing on a freezing cold day (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)


The Road Goes On Forever: Super fun climbing on a freezing cold day (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)


The Road Goes On Forever: Super fun climbing on a freezing cold day (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)


The Road Goes On Forever: Super fun climbing on a freezing cold day (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)


Rat King: Big buckets on steep rock, but piggin' cold (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Rat King: Big buckets on steep rock, but piggin' cold (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Boracay (Philippines) (map)

Sitting in a tree above the ocean after emerging from Crystal Cave

Lucie being blown by the wind at sunset (she's actually doing a handspring)


Martin and Eric are comfortable with their naked-ness


Sunset at Puka Beach; for some reason, this beach seems always empty

Pretty sailboat and men repainting a boat hull at low tide

Boulder Canyon (map)

Climbing Boulder


Unknown: Fanni belays Adrian on some route; Adrian is about to make the crux moves

British Virgin Islands (Caribbean) (map)

Lucie and Jim on the boat somewhere in the Caribbean


Murray in his element, sailing in the British Virgin Islands


Murray and Kyoko on the boat

Castle Rocks (map)

Hanging out in the van at a City of Rocks campsite

Store in Almo

Hiking around Castle Rock

Red Rib: Starting out on Red Rib, which I thought was pretty hard for the grade

South face of Castle Rock

Pretty rainbow during one of the frequent showers

Mantel Dynamics: The most over bolted route on the planet, we had to back clean draws to make it to the top

Comp Rock, the other "big" rock at Castle Rocks

Comp Rock again, named for a rock climbing competition that occurred here

Sleeping under an overhanging wall, waiting out the rain

Castle Valley (map)

Climbing Moab


Utah Climbers


A labeled view of the Rectory and other towers from Castleton Tower


North Face: Casey climbs the sustained big-hands crack on the first pitch; the route climbs through the roof above, then underclings right on slippery calcite


North Face: Looking up from the second belay, Casey climbs the first off-width section on the third pitch


A view of the north face of Castleton Tower; the North Chimney climbs the depression on the sunny side of the tower


View of the Rectory as seen from Castleton Tower


Closeup view of the Rectory as seen from Castleton Tower


North Face: Jim and Casey pose at the top of Castleton Tower after climbing the North Face


A view of the north face of Castleton Tower


Castleton Tower, the Rectory, The Nuns, and The Priest as seen from the parking area


North Face: A topo of the North Face of Castleton Tower


North Face: Looking down from the crux of the second pitch at Casey who is belaying below


Colin prepares to descend after bailing on Jah Man due to high winds

Cathedral Ledge (map)

Diedre: Popping veins


Dresden: Reaching for the upper crack in Dresden; the climb ascents Nutcracker for a bit, then moves leftwards into the crux Dresden crack

Catskills (map)

Coal Kill Falls: The only easy route in the Kitchen


Boney hanging out in the Kitchen

Mephisto Waltz: Bones dances up the wet and drippy Mephisto Waltz


The Window: Joe climbs steep ice on "The Window"


The Window: Climbing the upper ice above the window; the route "The Advocate" is the yellow column to his left


Gomorrah: At the start of the route in brilliant sunshine


Gomorrah: High in the corner; you can see the bolts protecting the route (!?!?)


Some routes in the Hell Hole

Central Cordillera (Philippines) (map)

View of fish stand, laundry, and woman with child, taken from the top of the jeepney as we passed through the town of Banaue on our way to Batad


View of a sea of tricycles taken from the top of the jeepney as we passed through the town of Banaue on our way to Batad


Have scotch will travel -- this is the jeepney we hired to travel from Banaue to Sagada


Driver that took us to Sagada

Rice terraces between Banga-an and Tanulong

The jeepney on the way to Batad became stuck, so we all grabbed our stuff and continued on foot


Rice terraces, traditional houses, and a carabao in the town of Batad


Lucie in front of a traditional Ifugao house in the town of Batad


Rice terraces and some traditional huts in Batad; we passed this on our way to Tapplya Waterfall


Sitting at Simon's, looking out over the rugged Batad valley and its rice terraces

View of the rugged Batad valley and its rice terraces

Emiliano working on a bulul carving


Exploring the rice terraces near town


To prepare the rice patty, a woman pulls weeks, then pushes them deep into the mud to rot


Clear water pounds over the waterfall; the ferns on the rock walls of the amphitheatre undulated from the wind created by the falling water


Black Bishop


Black Bishop


Black King


Black King


Black Kinght


Black Kinght


Black Pawn


Black Pawn


Black Queen


Black Queen


Black Rook


Chess set


Chess set


Chess set


White Bishop


White Bishop


White King


White King


White Knight


White Knight


White Pawn


White Pawn


White Queen


White Queen


White Rook


Chess set


The kamagong chess set


Street stall selling chickens and other raw meats


A group of people decide to butcher their carabao using one lane of the road


The entrance to Lumiang Cave, stuffed with over 100 coffins, some of which are more than 500 years old


Unknown: We regretted not bringing our rock gear to Sagada, as there is plenty of interesting limestone towers to climb, like this one in Echo Valley

View of coffins hanging on a cliff face in Echo Valley

View of coffins hanging on a cliff face in Echo Valley


Unhappy carabao

Lucie plants rice with Gloria, a native of Tanulong

A man and his grandson take a break from working in the rice terraces

A man turns up the soil in a rice patty using a carabao (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)

Cerru Del Canjorro (Spain) (map)

Desnivel -- Lists of climbing areas in Spain


Hiking through olive groves to the crag


Cordura Dura: Jen climbs a warmup route at a hidden crag near Yaén


La Ley Del Deseo: Jen climbs a sandbag route in the late afternoon light; there's no way this route is 6b

Chamonix (France) (map)

The private climbing gym at the alpine school; an awesome place to spend a snowy afternoon


Mike and Laurv in Servoz where we stayed


Crappy photo of Mt. Blanc, the only view of the mountain we had during our 2-week trip

On our last day, the sky cleared enough for us to see the surrounding peaks


The alpinism school in Chamonix


The headquarters for all that is alpine

Charlevoix-Est (Canada) (map)

La Pomme D'or: La Pomme d'Or


La Pomme D'or: View of the route on the approach


La Pomme D'or: Will simul-climbing the first two pitches


La Pomme D'or: Will leading the 4th pitch


La Pomme D'or: Looking up at the 4th pitch with a cool mixed chimney on the left

La Pomme D'or: Will following the crux 5th pitch


La Pomme D'or: Will leading the 6th pitch


La Pomme D'or: Roland's sled from hell

La Pomme D'or: Will leading the 7th pitch

Chilliwack (Canada) (map)

South-West Ridge, North Nesakwatch Spire: Pulling up to the ledge at the end of the second pitch


South-West Ridge, North Nesakwatch Spire: Leading the cracks on the headwall on the seventh pitch


Approaching the talus basin on Mt. Rexford


Preparing to leave for Mt. Rexford early in the morning


South-West Ridge, North Nesakwatch Spire: On the summit of North Nesakwatch Spire


West Ridge, Mt. Rexford: On the summit of Mt. Rexford, looking west


Looking down at the Nesakwatch Spires from the summit of Mt. Rexford


Rexford mountain range with labels, taken from the bivy on the Northeast Buttress of Mt. Slesse


Northeast Buttress: Story written about our climb on the Northeast Buttress of Slesse


Northeast Buttress: Simon at the bivy on Slesse


Northeast Buttress: Evening sun over the Illusion Peaks, Nesakwatch Spires, and Mt. Rexford


Northeast Buttress: Triumph on Slesse with Simon's glasses half eaten by rats


Slesse panorama with labels; taken from the summit of Mt. Rexford

Chilliwack mountains

Northeast Buttress: The summit of Mt. Slesse as seen from the east

Chimborazo (Ecuador) (map)

Whymper's Route (South-West Ridge): Summit of Chimborazo, 6310m

Lucie, modeling above 16,000 feet

City of Rocks (map)

Animal Cracker: Tommy shows his stuff at the start of Animal Cracker


Animal Cracker: Tommy approaches the offwidth section

Colossus: Moving through the initial bulge on big jugs


Colossus: Chalking up at the initial bulge; this section is pretty easy because of the large holds…the crux is moving through the hueco near the top of the route


Bumblie Takes a Tumblie: Bev lowers from the anchors with colorful fall foliage in the background


New York Is Not The City: Climbing nice patina holds at the top of the route

New York Is Not The City: Crimpy changeover in order to make the clip


New York Is Not The City: Reach for the jug


Terror in Tiny Town: The start of the route is the mental crux, as one has to layback up the arete on small holds (protected by an RP), shooting for the obvious pocket, clip a bolt on the left, then make long reaches up the arete to better holds

Terror in Tiny Town: Jim grabs the better holds at the start of the route; the technical crux lies above


Beverly, at breakfast, makes assignments for the day


Camp at the City


Lucie cooks yummy chicken stew at camp


Lucie has an art show at camp


Relaxing at camp talking about the upcoming '04 election

Tommy and Michelle drinking…how about a beer?


The Pygmies Got Stoned: Tommy and Michelle show off their hair


The Pygmies Got Stoned: Contemplating the next move


Quest For Fire: Laybacking and stemming up the side of the hueco allows one to reach a high jug


Morning Glory: Michelle makes the weird crimpy layback with the palm dyno at the end of the second pitch


Lucie paints the colorful foliage near Parking Lot Rock

Michelle and Beverly hike into the area behind Parking Lot Rock


Delay of Game: Our first route at the City -- a casual face climb up a rib of rock


Tow Away Zone: Michelle does a split at the crux

Sabbatical: Tommy belays Jim on Sabbatical


Looking out towards the Sisters from the top of Redtail on Rabbit Rock


Redtail: The crux of the route is moving past the first bolt, shown here


Redtail: Getting established just past the crux after the first bolt


Redtail: Michelle reaches the top of Redtail


Looker: Michelle clips a bolt

Looker: Crimpy holds on Looker


I can't Believe It: Michelle traverses 30' into the start of the route while John and Andrew spot


South Creek as seen from Flaming Rock; Bumblie Rock is just right of center

South Creek as seen from Flaming Rock; Bumblie Rock is right of center and Slabbage Patch is left of center

Intruding Dike: Tommy and Michelle climbing in the cold morning wind

Cochiti Mesa (map)

View from our van, parked on the road that traverses the top of Cochiti Mesa

Wandering around in the rain, which happened every day of our trip (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Colin sketches in the van waiting out the rain (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Finally the sun; we ran out and climbed a few routes before dark

Open Mouth Syndrome: Perplexed by a sea of pockets at the start of the route

Open Mouth Syndrome: Typical pocket at Cochiti

Open Mouth Syndrome: Typical pocket at Cochiti

The Prow: Sending the super-overhanging Prow

View from the descent to the South Cliffband

The Prow: Pulling the crux on big jugs

View from the Vista Point Overlook

Cody (map)

COLDFEAR -- Conditions in Cody


First Ascent Press -- Source for the guidebook to the area


From the end of Hunter Creek Road, we approached Mean Green and other routes in the Majo Ranch area


Mean Green: Jim climbs the first pitch (WI4) of Mean Green, belayed by Tommy; the second pitch can be seen above


Mean Green: Joe climbs the third pitch of Mean Green (WI4); the pitches here are separated by several hundred meters of easy scrambling up the drainage

Mean Green: Joe climbs the crux pitch of Mean Green (WI5), belayed by Tommy


Mean Green: The route Mean Green as seen from the approach gully

Cogne (Italy) (map)

We climbed this route despite that it was falling apart around us


The busy ski town of Cormeyeur; very pretty, but very busy

Coire An Lochain (Scotland) (map)

A helicopter lowers a person to the ridge during training exercises


Danger sign at the top of the cliff


Jet Stream: Eric traversing left to the belay at the top of P1

Colorado National Monument (map)

A lizard we saw on the hike out

Another lizard we saw on the hike out

Lots of towers as seen from the road near the visitor's center

Pipe Organ Spire (left) and Organ Pipe Spire

Kissing Couple, as seen from the top of Indepdence Monument

We nearly walked into some sheep on the way out…really!

Otto's Route: Starting up the third pitch easy chimney

Otto's Route: Pulling the final move onto the summit

Otto's Route: The final rappel off Independence Monument

Otto's Route: At the belay below the summit

Independence Monument as seen from the rim; the Kissing Couple is to the left, Rainbow Tower behind, and Grand View Spire to the right

Independence Monument as seen from the approach trail; looks narrow and overhanging from this angle

Otto's Route: A nice spot at the belay at the top of the second pitch (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Otto's Route: The fourth pitch face climb, made easy by the drilled stances (thanks Otto) (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Otto's Route: Bomber anchor in sandstone

Otto's Route: Nice to see our president getting out

Otto's Route: Colin's signature in the summit register

Otto's Route: Some goodies we found in the summit register box

Otto's Route: Massive runout up to the capstone

Otto's Route: Ahhhh…protection; notice the drilled stances up the face above him

Otto's Route: Hard pulling over the overhang leads to a good ledge and fixed anchor

Otto's Route: Woo hoo

Otto's Route: Starting up the first pitch of Otto's Route

Columbus (map)

Tom showing off his new hand plane


Tommy and Joe wait for their laundry


The "Mother Ship" in the early morning light


Returning to the "Mother Ship" after a day climbing


Chowing down in the "Mother Ship"


Tommy's fine craftmanship on display in the center of his 18-sided house


The "Mother Ship" is a cordwood masonery house made using wood cut from forest service land in East Rosebud Canyon

Tommy happy out on the range


Tommy's new project -- a 10x20 barn


Entry way sign welcoming Nona, his wife

Colin trying to look all buff and stuff


Inside of the Mother Ship

Another view inside the Mother Ship


Awesome Montana sky


Overview of Tommy's compound

Cordillera Real (Bolivia) (map)

Driver's helper; this young boy taught us how to chew cocoa leaves

Southwest Face, Normal Route: High camp


Southwest Face, Normal Route: Suiting up for the glacier to high camp

Southwest Face, Normal Route: Llamas carrying gear to base camp at Laguna Negra

Southwest Face, Normal Route: Illampu (6368m) in Bolivia, taken from high on the ridge on Ancohuma (Copyright © Chris Wurster)


Southwest Face, Normal Route: Arrival in Cocoyo

Southwest Face, Normal Route: Establishing base camp

Southwest Face, Normal Route: View of mountains from base camp

Southwest Face, Normal Route: Ancohuma (6427m) From Camp I. The climbing route we attempted ascends the ice fall to the rght of the picture onto the glacial plateau above.

Southwest Face, Normal Route: A view of Ancohuma (6427m) from high camp at 5600m. The climbing route we attempted crosses the glacial cirque towards the peak, then traverses right to a snowy ramp that is climbed to a plateau. From the plateau, the route turns left traversing to the base of a steep face, which is ascended up to the summit ridge, which is followed to the top. (Copyright © Simeon Warner)

Southwest Face, Normal Route: Enjoying the sunset at Camp I (Copyright © Simeon Warner)


Southwest Face, Normal Route: One of the boys we hired to drive the llamas

Southwest Face, Normal Route: Llamas carry gear to/from base camp


Southwest Face, Normal Route: Martin in front of his tent at Camp II


Southwest Face, Normal Route: Simon wanders up the glacier between Camp I and II (Copyright © Simeon Warner)

Southwest Face, Normal Route: Camp II at sunset; everyone has already gone to bed in preparation for the climb (Copyright © Simeon Warner)


Chris showing a map to some kids


Unloading the truck in Cocoyo


Eric on the approach to base camp

Three girls in Cocoyo

Expedition photo taken by a local in the town of Cocoyo (taken during the trek back from base camp to Sorata)

A family peels a field of potatos


Street life in La Paz


A disorganized web of wires above the street


Women in traditional dress on the streets of La Paz

Lucie doing some cleaning at base camp


Looking east over an alpine lake at an impressive granite face


Travel to Sorata

Costa Blanca (Spain) (map)

Desnivel -- Lists of climbing areas in Spain


ROCKFAX web site


Calpe and the Peńon, home to many long routes at Costa Blanca


Diedro Magicos: Ian roping up at the base of the route


Diedro Magicos: Ian starting out the fourth pitch


The Puig Campana from Finestrat


The Puig Campana from Finestrat


Diedro Magicos: Showing the route of Diedro Magicos


Y tú żQuién eres?: Ben following yet another bolted 6a at Sector Concepción


Looking east from the summit of the Divinio, showing the lower Sella valley and the Mediterranean Sea beyond


The hermitage at the top of the hill above the village of Sella


El Gran Coscorrón: Ian posing on another 6a+


Ojo de Odra: Clipping the first bolt; the route continues out the mouth of the cave at 6c


Looking down onto the village of Sella


The street near our house; you can see the cliffs of Sella (Badall de Tafarmaig, Galera de Tafarmach, El Collado, and Pared de Rosalía)


Looking towards the cliffs from the main square; Bar Paco is closed


The village of Sella with the Puig Campana in the background


View of the climbing areas of Sella from the village of Sella (the graveyard is on the hill on the right)


The cliffs of Sella


The village of Sella with the Puig Campana in the background


More cliffs of Sella (Badall de Tafarmaig, Galera de Tafarmach, El Collado, and Pared de Rosalía)


Jim and John hiking near Sella


Sea cliffs along the Sierra de Toix


Rowland's Magical Mystery Tour: Ian and Lucie at the top of the cliff after finishing the route


Rowland's Magical Mystery Tour: Fred traversing on the first pitch


Rowland's Magical Mystery Tour: Ian starting out from the belay on the third pitch

Rowland's Magical Mystery Tour: Ben completing the traverse on the third pitch

Rowland's Magical Mystery Tour: Ian and Ben at the belay at the end of the third pitch


Rowland's Magical Mystery Tour: Ian starting the fifth pitch; too hot for shoes


Rowland's Magical Mystery Tour: Ben and Fred enjoying the sun at the top of the fourth pitch


Rowland's Magical Mystery Tour: The whole crew, after completing the route


Rowland's Magical Mystery Tour: Getting read to rap down to the base of the routes by the sea; notice the collection of Wild Country #3 rocks used for the ENP casings

Cotopaxi (Ecuador) (map)

Normal Route: Leaving the drop-off point for the hike to the Whymper Refugio (Copyright © Ali Schultheis)

Crawford Notch (map)

North East Ice


Dracula: High on Dracula in thin conditions

Cuenca (Spain) (map)

Desnivel -- Lists of climbing areas in Spain


Houses built over the cliff in the old section of Cuenca


View of the cliffs of Cuenca


Alfarzar-1: Yet another limestone face climb in Cuenca


Sudor y Sangre: Climbing a beautiful orange corner system

Sudor y Sangre: Climbing a beautiful orange corner system


Lucie shows off her painting


Monte De Venus: Jen pulls the high crux through the bulge near the top of the route


Monte De Venus: Picturesque climbing near the start of the route

Cuzco (Peru) (map)

Arriving at the airport in Cuzco


Entering a local restaurant in Cuzco (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Simeon and Lucie on the train to Aguas Calientes


Lesson in useful Spanish phrases (Copyright © Unknown)

Approaching Abra de Warmiwańusqa (Dead Woman Pass) at 4200m, a porter struggles under an enormous load of gear that tourists refuse to carry; this is the highest point on the Inca Trail


The gang poses on the Inca Trail

Machu Picchu in the early morning


Lucie hiking on the Inca Trail (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Group on day 3 of the Inca Trail (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Precise stonework at Machu Picchu


Lucie in front of some fancy Inca stonework


The group poses in front of an Inca wall

Denali National Park (map)

Expedition boys before leaving for Talkeetna

Denali from Foraker base camp


Southeast Ridge: Sitting around base camp

Southeast Ridge: Arriving at base camp


Southeast Ridge: Fiddling with gear at base camp


Southeast Ridge: Setting up a belay on the Southeast Ridge


Southeast Ridge: Mark, low down on the ridge


Mt. Foraker as seen from the Kahiltna glacier

Foraker as seen from the Kahiltna glacier


Shuttle that takes climbers between Anchorage and Talkeetna


In the airplane waiting for takeoff

Devil's Tower (map)

Reading the register on the summit.

Awesome Devil's Tower


Awesome Devil's Tower


Awesome Devil's Tower


Getting up early to hit the Tower


Cool camp setup, perfect because it rained every day for 3 weeks


Solar: Leaving the P1 belay and starting up P2

Solar: Excellent corner jamming on P2


Solar: Finally, a break in the jamming


Reading the guidebook, scoping out routes (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)


Tulgey Wood: At the top of the first pitch (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)


El Matador: Climbers on the famous P2 of El Matador. The woman following was barely able to make the stem.

El Matador: Climbers on the famous P2 of El Matador. The woman following was barely able to make the stem.


Colin at the top of P1 of El Matador. We decided to bail here.

Dolomites (Italy) (map)

Travels with Johnny


John steals pillow cases to carry his gear


South-West Corner, "Trenker": John on a typical Dolomites ledge


South-West Corner, "Trenker": John following a pitch low in the corner

Sassolungo towers from the height of the pass near the Sella towers


North-West Arete, "Kasnakoff": John on the South Face of the first Sella Tower


Jim descending the Sella Towers


John descending in the Sella Towers


The streets of Trento


The streets of Trento


South-West Arete "Delagokante": Close-up of John nearing the second belay on the South-West Arete of Delago Tower

South-West Arete "Delagokante": John nearing the second belay on the South-West Arete of Delago Tower


South-West Arete "Delagokante": John climbing on the arete


John scrambling near the Vajolet Towers

Dragoon Mountains (map)

Tuscon Climber's Association

The Hands formation in the late afternoon light


View of the Dragoons from the west, with views of Whale Dome, Westworld Dome, Squaretop, and Rockfellow Group

View of the Dragoons from the west, with views of Whale Dome, Westworld Dome, Squaretop, and Rockfellow Group


Labeled view of the Dragoons from the west, with views of Whale Dome, Westworld Dome, Squaretop, and Rockfellow Group

Warpaint: Dennis leading the third pitch of Warpaint; this part is about 5.9


"Elsie the Cow" formation, named for obvious reasons


Warpaint: The second pitch (5.8) of Warpaint (the only easy pitch on the route)


Warpaint: Looking down at Jim (top of P2) and Eric (top of P3) from the middle of the fourth pitch (Copyright © Dennis Luther)


Warpaint: Jim leading from the belay on the fifth pitch of Warpaint; the crux of this pitch is just before the photo was taken (Copyright © Dennis Luther)


Moby Dick: Jim and Dennis hanging out on the summit of Whale Dome after completing the ascent


Moby Dick: The Whale Dome with the route Moby Dick labeled


Moby Dick: Dennis leads the 5.8 cracks on the first pitch of Moby Dick


Moby Dick: Eric and Jim hanging out at the belay at the top of the fourth pitch


Moby Dick: Shadow puppets on the summit of Whale Dome


Whale Dome, as seen from Westworld Dome

East Rosebud (map)

First Ascent Press -- Source for the guidebook to the area


The Ramp: Topping out on The Ramp -- the top of the 5.9 variation on pitch 5


The Ramp: At the top of the first pitch of The Ramp


California Ice: Route description for California Ice


California Ice: The first two pitches of the route -- each a rope-stretching 200 feet -- ascend this massive piece of ice


California Ice: The lower section of the route as seen from the descent gully


The East Rosebud canyon; there's a beautiful 5.10 route up the prow just left of center starting from the tree ledge


The East Rosebud Lake as seen from "The Hump" on the East Rosebud - Cooke City Trail; just past this hump is the drainage for California Ice

California Ice: Starting the first pitch (WI4) of California Ice


California Ice: The third pitch (WI3) goes to the right of the cave and up to easier ice


California Ice: Joe climbs easy ice in the drainage below California Ice; we climbed about 2000' of easy ice to get to the base of the route


California Ice: Around the final bend in the drainage we can finally see the main ice flow -- 400' of WI4 ice


California Ice: Joe looks glum on the descent

California Ice: Joe climbs the second pitch (WI4) in a snow squal


Sand Dune Falls: Tommy and Joe take a rest at the base of Sand Dune Falls; unfortunately, the bottom portion of the route was missing -- she no go

Returning from a failed attempt at Sand Dune Falls

El Chorro (Spain) (map)

Desnivel -- Lists of climbing areas in Spain


Escalopendra Guajani: Climber pulls the roof at the end of the first pitch (6a)


Engendro Caneki: Jen climbs a difficult face with "flaky jugs"


Lucie and Jen laugh it up at the base of the crag; Mike in the background


Lucie sketches at El Chorro

El Potrero Chico (Mexico) (map)

View of the cliffs from the camp site


John calls home


Mini Super El Toro


Lucie, Simon, and John cooking


Lucie and John planning an excursion in town


El Cielo Rey from high up on the Outrage Wall


Aguja Cielo Rey: Simon rapping off the second spire


Aguja Cielo Rey: John at the first belay of Aguja Cielo Rey


Snott Girlz: Simon leading high on Snot Girlz


El Diablos Path: Jim at the third belay of El Diablos Path

El Rito (map)

View of the conglomerate as seen from the road

A scary self portrait (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Approaching in the rain, of course

Our campsite at El Rito; cows roamed around our van at night


Boltaneer: High on Boltaneer

Boltaneer: In a sea of knobs and cookie-chip chunks

Boltaneer: Amazing jugs where cobbles used to be

Boltaneer: A super juggy and high-quality route

Blackballed: Jug pulling on a steep, beautiful wall (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

El Rito, Pirates Wall, as seen from the road

Elbsandstein (Germany) (map)

By the end of the trip, Rayko's tips were bleeding


Ring for protection and belays


A route book; every tower has one of these


An open route book


Standing in front of the second Bergsport Arnold store, this one in Bad Schandau


Trolly car ferries tourists from Bad Schandau up the valley to the trailheads


Twin towers; we climbed the tower on the left


Unknown climber peering down from the top of a neighboring tower


Climbers dot the various towers in the Bielatal region


Climbers dot the various towers in the Bielatal region


Giant rappel rings; the flat spot on the top is so that you can clip a caribiner to it


Nordwestweg: Bomber thread


A climber on a difficult route (you can just make out his red pants on the upper left side)


The amazing Frienstein; we climbed on the neighboring formation


Nordwand: At the belay after a terrifying lead, the scariest of the trip (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Nordwand: Roping up for what turned out to be the scariest lead of the trip (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Nordwand: Rayko attempts the second pitch, but is off route on a 5.10c


Nordwand: Folling the first pitch, which had cracks, but no gear (if ONLY I had a cam)


Südwand: Approaching the belay at the end of the first pitch; notice the furry runner around the large flake (the furrier the better) (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Goldsteigkante: Topping out on the second pitch (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Belaying from the top of another tower (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Goldsteigkante: The start of the route involved very pocketed rock with good pro (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Goldsteigkante: Moving through the super featured rock on the first pitch (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Südwand: Looking back at the second pitch, a traversing affair with many tied off flakes and threads


Südwand: Starting up the second pitch -- a bit of a run after the first bolt (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Wahnsinnsverschneidung: A jammed knot before the real difficulties; Rayko rappelled from this one (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Goldsteigkante: Following the first pitch, very pumpy here with poor gear


Südwand: Following the honeycomb section of the second pitch, just before the traverse


Südwand: Following the honeycomb section of the second pitch


Alter Web: To get off one tower, we rappelled into a gap and climbed another tower which had the rappel line


Direkter Südwestweg: Prepping for a hard lead


Direkter Südwestweg: Scoping out the route ahead, very steep here


A climber on difficult route (he's in orange and yellow)


Cool honeycomb rock covered the entire second pitch


Cool honeycomb rock covered the entire second pitch


Südwand: A long pitch of runout crack climbing, but with good plates on the face. The chimney topout was terrifying (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Südwand: Following the chimney topout, very scary to lead


Knirpelwand Direkte: Another honeycombed face protected with hourglasses


A good route photo; the long crack on the left tower is Südwand, and the black pocketed area is Knirpelwand Direkte


Our apartment in Hohnstein, just 100 yards from the town square…ideally located


The midieval town of Hohnstein


The main square of Hohnstein; Bernd Arnold's sports shop is on the right


Dinner in the basement of the town hall; pretty good food, but not as good as in Velden


Standing in front of the Bergsport Arnold store in Hohnstein


The castle and bridge for tourists


Türkischer Honig: Leaning back on jugs near the top of the route (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Türkischer Honig: Runout to the first bolt, then more reasonable and juggy


The amazing Höllenhund wall; we climbed a route on the far right side where the rock is even more featured (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: High on the wall at a hanging belay (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: Feeling stoked after leading the first pitch (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: At the second belay…cold as hell (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: Removing a thread on the third pitch (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: On the third pitch (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: On the third pitch (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: The 4th and final pitch involved leaning across to the next tower, then climbing the face (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: Traverse just before the topout (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: Working on some pro -- a threaded runner (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: Looking down from the first belay at the super featured rock and intricate protection


Talweg: Starting up the overhanging wall -- a real head game (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: Looking up at the second pitch -- many tied off threads (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: Roping up below the 300'-high overhanging wall with…you guessed it…knots (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: Looking down at Rayko at the first belay


Talweg: Looking down at Rayko at the first belay


Talweg: Rayko is on top of the main wall, on an isolated island summit


Talweg: In a sea of towers


Talweg: Following the first pitch, removing a thread


Talweg: Super featured rock on the first pitch


Talweg: Following the second pitch


Talweg: Nice slung flake, but it feels like it might rip off


Herkules Rippe: Following the first pitch on yet another pigging cold day (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Herkules Rippe: Approaching the belay (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Herkules Rippe: Threaded hourglasses work better if you equalize the load by feeding the knot into the constriction


Herkules Rippe: Rayko at the first pitch belay


Herkules Rippe: Rayko far below at the P1 belay


The river Elbe with many exposed bits of rock


Direkte Südwestwand auch: More knot climbing


We climbed on the smooth wall on the left, where everything was hard 5.10


Südhangel: Following the first pitch, leaning way back on a flake (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Südwestwand: Rayko laybacks around a flake at the top of the pitch


Südwestverschneidung: Belaying at the top of the Lokomotive; notice the ring and "towel rack" bar to prevent the rope from creating deep grooves in the rock (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Südwestverschneidung: Writing my entry in the route book (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


This crag is supposed to resemble a locomotive. It's actually a relatively thin grouping of towers on top of a high ridge


The Locomotive crag seen from the top of Honigstein


Rayko looking for his name in the route book


Dampflok: The initial moves, protected by a small jammed knot


Mess of towers as seen from the summit of the Locomotive


Talweg: Tied-off flakes and hourglasses serve as the anchor at the top of the first pitch


Talweg: Making the crux moves at the start of the route -- an overhanging offwidth crack protected by jammed knots, the first knots I placed in Elbsandstein (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Talweg: A small jammed knot on the second pitch


Talweg: Second pitch squeeze chimney


Rappelling the backside of the tower down to the grass; the terrain is comfortably navigated with bare feet because of the sand


Morgengebet: An overhanging handcrack; the crux was the slopey, sandy moves after the crack (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Farm country as seen from the top of Pabst


Farm country as seen from the top of Pabst


Approaching the crag from town; our first route in Elbsandstein was the crack on the right side of the third tower (from the left)


Looking over the town below the crag


Ostkante: Browsing the route book (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Ostkante: Huge jugs at the top of the route (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Ostkante: Belaying from a giant hole in the top of the tower


Leaving one tower and climbing the next one over, in search of a rappel line


More rappelling from rings; nice redundancy

Eldorado Canyon (map)

Climbing Boulder


Lucie and "The Greeks" pose for the camera


Darkness 'Til Dawn: Climbing the beautiful corner of Darkness


Darkness 'Til Dawn: The corner of Darkness 'Til Dawn; actually takes wide gear in the face on the right


The Grand Course: Climbing the overhanging hand crack at the start of The Grand Course


Blind Faith: Sequence of pictures showing climbing through the crux of Blind Faith


Blind Faith: Climbing though an awkward bulge below the crux crack


Blind Faith: Placing gear into the crux crack

Blind Faith: Jamming through the final steep crack


The Bastille; climbers can be seen on Bastille Crack

Exit 38 (map)

Sorry, no pictures available

Fisher Towers (map)

Climbing Moab


A view of Cottontail with the Titan looming behind


King Fisher as seen from the hiking trail


The Titan as seen from the hiking trail


View of Ancient Art; the Stolen Chimney (Corkscrew Summit) route ascends the funky-shaped corkscrew in the center of the photo


The Ancient Art formation with an approaching storm in the background


Ancient Art and it's various summits; the corkscrew summit (aka "Stolen Chimney") is the leftmost summit


Stolen Chimney: The corkscrew summit as seen from the top of the belay on the other side of the "sidewalk"


Stolen Chimney: Colin sits at the sidewalk, as seen from the top of the corkscrew


Stolen Chimney: Following the pebbled face on the first pitch; the climbing is a little bouldery, and the protection is all drilled angle pitons

Stolen Chimney: Leading the corkscrew -- one of the wildest summits anywhere. The ropes are arched to the right due to strong winds


Stolen Chimney: The second pitch (5.8); looks like mud, but is actually pretty nice rock with decent protection every 8 to 10 feet


Stolen Chimney: Posing on the summit of the corkscrew


Stolen Chimney: Pitons on the "sidewalk" belay; the rock around the drilled pitons has eroded


Stolen Chimney: Two other summits of the Ancient Art formation with the King Fisher in the background as taken from the summit the corkscrew


Stolen Chimney: A topo showing the Stolen Chimney route on Ancient Art

Franconia Notch (map)

North East Ice


Beta for routes on Cannon


Black Dike: The Black Dike (Copyright © Ade Miller)


Black Dike: Climbers Meet the Fuck Man


Whitney-Gilman: Jim on the Whitney-Gilman in 1986


Whitney-Gilman: Tracy on the Whitney-Gilman in 1986


Black Dike: The Black Dike in early season


Moby Grape: Bones follows the last pitch of Moby Grape; this finish climbs corners left of the standard finish

Black Dike: Jim, just after the rock traverse on the Black Dike

Bennedictus Direct: Pulling the monster roof on the 5th pitch (Copyright © David Le Pagne)

Bennedictus Direct: Climbing the slab below the overlap on the 5th pitch (Copyright © David Le Pagne)


Bennedictus Direct: Nabbing the jug in the roof on the 5th pitch (Copyright © David Le Pagne)


Bennedictus Direct: Approaching the overlap on the 5th pitch (Copyright © David Le Pagne)

Bennedictus Direct: Bones at the crux of the first pitch; from here, the route continues [climber's] left on an unprotected 5.8 face

Bennedictus Direct: Bones runs it out on the thin 5.9 traverse on the 4th pitch


Bennedictus Direct: At the end of the traverse on the 4th pitch, a couple of really hard moves (5.11c) take Bones to overlap. This pitch is a variation to the original route that avoids the 5.11d A3 section.


Bennedictus Direct: Jen and Brian get organized to film climbing on the third pitch of Bennedictus


Bennedictus Direct: Jen jugs the first pitch of Bennedictus to set up for filming the higher pitches


Bennedictus Direct: Jen filming the 3rd pitch


Bennedictus Direct: Jen at the 4th belay on Bennedictus


Closeup of a bolt on Cannon


Panning back, you can see the bolt is in a piece of talus, having fallen from somewhere on Cannon

Bennedictus Direct: At the belay at the start of the 4th pitch, scoping out the pitch ahead (Copyright © Brian Post)

Bennedictus Direct: Following the 4th pitch (Copyright © Brian Post)

Bennedictus Direct: Taking a photo as Will leads the 4th pitch (Copyright © Brian Post)

Frankenjura (Germany) (map)

The formation with Action Direct. The actual route climbs the underbelly of the rear buttress.


Super cool crag rising above a small village


Super cool crag rising above a small village


Super cool crag rising above a small village


Standard lowering hardware in the Frankenjura, which isn't the easiest thing to climb in moments of desperation


Kurt Albert started the whole red dot thing, which later became the "redpoint"


The small town of Hartenstein with several crags nearby


On the way out of town to the crag


Igor: An open but amazingly dark forest with a pretty good crag. Rayko runs it out to the first bolt.


Bergzigeunerweg: Rayko gains big holds after a pumpy traverse. Notice the route book midway across the traverse.


Small villiage of Lungsdorf, which is nothing more than a bend in the road. We did climb a pretty cool tower just above town.


Trebbla: Signing the route book at the top of the tower


Trebbla: Starting up the tower above Lungsdorf


Schwarzer Riss: In the rain, we lucked upon this severely overhanging amphitheater with several dry routes


Westriss: A beautiful crack climb reminiscent of the Dolomites (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Hiding from the rain in a cave at the base of the Napoleon tower (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Südwestwand: This free-standing tower, to our surprise, was about 10" thick


Südwestwand: Rayko straddling the top of the tower


Our first climbing stop in Frankenjura


Luftige Wand: Random climber seconding a pretty cool line


Büberriss: Pretty cool climbing down low, but an unprotected chimney up high (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Sauwetter: Lowering off a super steep climb at the end of the day (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Amazed by this formation, we vowed to return, only to discover that all the routes are hard


Our little apartment in Velden, a 5-minute walk from the main square


Best food in Bavaria, or so we thought


Standard dinnertime activities -- email, route research, and taking notes from the days outing


Buying strawberries and other vegies


Purchasing the daily supply of lunch meat


View from the top of the cliff; the approach follows the dirt road


It rained, so everybody headed for the overhanging roadside crag


Super steep roadside climbing, mostly Czech climbers


Corazon: A difficult and long route with several cruxes. Too bad it's out of focus.

Frenchman Coulee (map)

Strokin' The Chicken: Ade running it out up easy ground on Strokin' the Chicken


Jesus Saves: Ade clipping bolts on Jesus Saves

Fruita (map)

Fanni rides the lower section of Zippy Da Do Da


Descending a section of the classic Joe's Ridge


Another section of the classic Joe's Ridge


Nikos climbs from the road on the lower section of Zippy Da Do Da

Nikos climbs another hill on the lower section of Zippy Da Do Da


The Touareg with the swing-arm hitch-mounted bike carrier -- very cool bike carrier

God's Crag (map)

Aspens on the approach (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Walking back to the car in the rain (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Abandoned mine on the road to Engineer's Pass (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Somebody got all Hayduke on this dam (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Approaching the mine shaft; no, we didn't go in it, especiallty after The Descent (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Two-tiered waterfall with a spooky mine shaft at the base (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Approaching God's Crag (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Plaque at the base of The Renaissance Man below the waterfall

The crag, as seen from the road

Descending in the rain through a grove of aspens; we picked up a hundred ticks here (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Fear is Never Boring: Crux moves at the top of the pitch

Fear is Never Boring: Styling the second pitch, in the rain

Fear is Never Boring: Cool face climbing on the first pitch (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Fear is Never Boring: Self portrait, belaying in the rain

Fear is Never Boring: Following the beautiful face on P1

Fear is Never Boring: Nearing the top of the pitch

Golden, Colorado (map)

Two themes of our climbing trip to Colorado -- Hemp, and "Just put it off"


An early morning with "The Greeks" (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Nikos, Fanni, and Tom standing on driveway discussing routes


The morning after the big bash…everyone is drinking water to treat the hangover

Granite Mountain (map)

Falling Ross: Nearing the top of P2 (Copyright © Emilie Drinkwater)

Falling Ross: Delicate moves onto the slippery slab at the top of P2 (Copyright © Emilie Drinkwater)

Great Falls (map)

Potomac River


Lost Arrow: Tad on the Lost Arrow, not really solo


P.V.O. (Potomac Valley Overhang): Jim on PVO, TRing something way to hard


Great Beginnings: Hema following an awesome layback flake of Great Beginnings

Great Sand Dunes (map)

Big jump with plume of sand


Colin's thigh sprouts people


Totally airborn


View of the mountains as seen from the highest dune


Dunes as seen from the river crossing

Guangzhou (China) (map)

Eric's bathroom


Brainless goats in the meat market


View from the ferry up the Pearl River (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Street life in Guangzhou (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Jim on ferry going up the Pearl River (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Lion dancer in the streets of Guangzhou (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


Backwards instructions

Vegetables in the street market

Hawaii (map)

Boogie boarding in the surf, somewhere on the north shore (Copyright © John Lawyer)

Lucie shows how it's done (Copyright © John Lawyer)


Lucie models the boogie board (Copyright © John Lawyer)

Hellgate Gulch (map)

Uncomfortably Numb: Tommy sending at Hellgate (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)


Aimless wandering through the compact canyon, trying to identify things (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Weird Science: Colin leads up the awesome wall

Weird Science: Colin leads up the awesome wall


Weird Science: Colin leads up the awesome wall


Weird Science: Colin leads up the awesome wall


Weird Science: Colin leads up the awesome wall

Melt Down: Not much difference between the 11s and the 9s on this wall (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Melt Down: Not much difference between the 11s and the 9s on this wall (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Uncomfortably Numb: Tommy sending at Hellgate (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Hong Kong (China) (map)

Downtown Hong Kong


Hong Kong Island from the ferry

Danger sign…don't climb here!


View of Kowloon from Lion Rock


The Arete: Eric at the belay on Catastrophe (Copyright © Eric Gregory)

The Arete: Jim at the belay on Catastrophe (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


View of Lion Rock from the approach trail (Copyright © Eric Gregory)


The Arete: Eric following the first pitch of Catastrophe


The Arete: Jim at the belay on Catastrophe


Lion Rock from the approach trail

Hyalite (map)

Montana Ice -- Guide and conditions in Hyalite Canyon


First Ascent Press -- Source for the guidebook to the area


Omega: Climbing the thin column on Omega; the ice was running with water


The main fork of Hyalite Canyon; Winter Dance is the spear of ice on the rock face centered in the photo


Hyalite Canyon as seen from the first pitch of Cleopatra's Needle


Twin Falls Left: View from the second pitch of Cleopatra's Needle; you can see Joe on Twin Falls Left, belayed by Ellen in the trees below


Taking a rest on the approach to Cleopatra's Needle and Twin Falls


Cleopatra's Needle: Reaching for a screw on the second pitch (WI5)


Cleopatra's Needle: Tommy stays dry by climbing the right side of the pillar

Independence Pass (map)

Climbing Boulder


Monitor Rock looks like a choss pile, but it's sooo much better than it looks


Rad Lad: Tommy struggles with the first crux on Rad Lad


Squid Kid: Climbing the beautiful compact rock on Squid Kid


The Maze: Face climbing on the Maze, a long bolted line on Monitor Rock


The Mother Load: Tom and Mioara huddled at the second belay on The Mother Load


The Mother Load: Tom leads the final pitch

Want some beans?

Index (map)

Sorry, no pictures available

Indian Creek (map)

Climbing Moab


A view of Indian Creek from Optimator Wall; the wall centered in the photo is Reservior Wall, and the 4x4 Wall is on the right


Another pretty view of Indian Creek as seen from the base of the Bridger Jack Mesa


Yet another pretty view of Indian Creek as seen from the Bridger Jack Camping Area


A yellow-headed (or "eastern") collared lizard


Closeup of a yellow-headed (or "eastern") collared lizard


A typical Indian Creek rack featuring lots of same-sized cams


Labeled Indian Creek rack


Enjoying a mini-bottle of single malt at camp


Self-portrait at the Bridger Jack Camping Area


Sweden-Ringle: Chris sends Swedin-Ringle, making it look like 5.10


Sweden-Ringle: Chris sends Swedin-Ringle, making it look like 5.10

Sweden-Ringle: Chris sends Swedin-Ringle, making it look like 5.10

Cave Route: Near the top of the crack Colin finally gets a rest by stemming to the opposite wall


Three Strikes and You're Out: Another endless layback crack at Battle of the Bulge


Thunderbolts: Brian approaches the top of Easter Island


Keyhole Flakes: Closeup of Brian approaching the top of Easter Island


The Bridger Jack Mesa with all the towers labeled


The Bridger Jack Mesa in the early morning


The Bridger Jack Mesa in the early morning


Thunderbolts: Sitting on top of Easter Island after climbing Thunderbolts


Thunderbolts: Climbing the first pitch (5.8) involves fun jamming, followed by an unlikely traverse right around the nose above


The Bridger Jacks as seen from the west


Organizing the rack for the days climbing


Rimshot: Colin poses for the camera on the 4th pitch (5.11a) of Rimshot; he is positioned at the first rest after the tight sandy-hands crack above the belay


Rimshot: More off-width climbing on the 4th pitch


Rimshot: Exiting the chimney at the top of the second pitch; from his position, the climb moves left (climber's right) onto lower-angled slabs up to the belay


Rimshot: The third pitch traverses left in a chimney to an off-width crack in the main face


Rimshot: Getting established in the off-width crack above the chimney on the third pitch


Hanging out at the base of Easter Island


Thunderbolts: Jim's shadow on Sunflower Tower as he raps from Easter Island


Thunderbolts: John tops out on Thunderbolts, a rare face climb at the Creek


Rimshot: A topo showing Rimshot


Generic Crack: Starting out on Generic Crack; the crux of the route are the two pods just above


Generic Crack: About halfway up the crack


Generic Crack: Closeup of Jim about halfway up the crack


Generic Crack: Still about halfway up the crack


Generic Crack: Nearing the anchors at 140'


Lady Pillar: Dave peeks around the corner before heading out onto the left-slanting crack on Lady Pillar


Anunnaki: This awesome zig-zag crack goes through all sizes, taking two each from yellow Camalot to yellow Alien; this section is fairly easy since the crack is hand sized


Anunnaki: At this point, the crack narrows to off-hands and rattley fingers


Anunnaki: Moving through the crux involves weird layaways, finger stacks, and powerful pulls


Skidmarks: Laybacking up the steep finger crack on Skidmarks


Sabbatical: Jamming the final crack high in the Sabbatical corner, belayed by Brian


Working Man: This nice finger crack was easier for me since my large knuckles cammed well in the crack


South Face: John at the second belay on the South Face


South Face: On the summit of the South Six Shooter


South Face: John poses on the summit


Lucie walks the mesa above the valley floor; this area is very pristine, quiet, and beautiful


Some rough 4X4 driving on Davis Canyon Road leads into the South Six Shooter valley


The South Six Shooter as seen from the upper mesa


The Touareg parked in the wash at the start of the hike to the South Six Shooter; the Bridger Jacks can be seen on the skyline centered


Keyhole Flakes: Brian reaches left at the crux, belayed by Mioara


Keyhole Flakes: Brian high on the route just below the anchors


Bad Rad Duality Crack: Moving through the bottom finger-sized section of the route


Bad Rad Duality Crack: Moving through the bottom finger-sized section of the route; the crack widens to tight hands, then offwidth, then back to tight hands through the double-tiered roofs above


The Incredible Hand Crack: Jim climbs The Incredible Hand Crack, belayed by Brian; most people find this climb a pleasure, but my large large hands didn't fit the crack and made the crux overhanging section very strenuous


Unnamed #18: What a beast this was -- a 7" off-width section, then a blind reach rightwards into a good finger crack


Unnamed #18: After placing a nut (the only nut I placed that trip), I finally got established in the finger crack


Unnamed #18: Closeup of Jim after placing the nut


Unnamed #18: Higher in the finger crack


Supercrack: Mioara follows Supercrack, one of the more well-known climbs at Indian Creek


Supercrack: Closeup of Mioara following Supercrack


Coyne Crack: Laybacking the rattly finger start of Coyne Crack


Coyne Crack: Higher up, the crack turns to tight hands


Posing in front of the "Brick" at the Supercrack Buttress parking lot

Inman Gulf (map)

It's In, Man: Traversing to the belay on a new route


Route possibilities at Inman Gulf; the climb "It's In, Man" is centered in the photo


It's In, Man: At the belay on the first ascent


It's In, Man: Jim climbs poorly bonded ice on the first ascent


Over The Rainbow: Leading the first ascent of a flow across from Rainbow Falls

Ithaca (map)

Estes Point Pillar: High on the pillar the ice is fractured and thin, with water visible through the ice veil


Estes Point Pillar: Jim belays Leslie on the steep section of the pillar


Estes Point Pillar: The climb as seen from the streambed

Jamesville (map)

Summit headquarters

Joshua Tree (map)

Web site for climbing at Joshua Tree


Unknown: Allen begins a lead


John organizes the rack on an early visit to Joshua Tree

Flowering joshua tree (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Dangling Woo Li Master: Steep ground in the Bighorn Mating Grotto


Taped up hands after a day of climbing in the Bighorn Mating Grotto; notice the Disney band-aid on the middle finger


Pinched Rib: Steck's favorite route


Kimbrough in the early morning


Enchanted Stairway: High on the runout plates of Disneyland Dome


Mr. Toad's Wild Ride: Lori approaches the first belay; the ledge is actually a dike that, if continued, turns into Mental Bankruptcy


Hang Ten: Phil places gear at the intimidating roof near the start of the climb


Hang Ten: Clipping the gear at the roof; hard to believe it's only 5.8


Eileen Dover: This interesting route starts with a hard boulder problem, then traverses just left 5 bolts about 10' above the ground, then finishing straight up to some chains


Eileen Dover: A little further along in the traverse; lots for the hands, but little for the feet


Effigy Too: The opening, unprotected moves of Effigy Too


Effigy Too: Effigy Too is a nice route for sunny days as it's in the shade. The huge boulder high and left is the EBGBs boulder.


Effigy Too: The climbing eases near the top of the route


Sitting Here in Limbo: Eric belaying at the top, construction in the background


Lucie, Allen, and Joe (and his dog)


Casual: John leads yet another bolt-protected face climb


Diamond Dogs: Strenuous underclings are required right off the ground on a fragile flake


Pullups To Pasadena: Unprotected knob climbing at the start of yet another Swain route


Todd demonstrates a pretty lizard


Garden Angel: Andrew watches the action on Garden Angel


Garden Angel: Weird layback moves up the arete of Garden Angel

Garden Angel: Weird layback moves up the arete of Garden Angel


Lazy Day: Matt makes the opening moves on Lazy Day


Cryptic: Allen leading Cryptic

Cryptic: Allen leading Cryptic


Cryptic: Allen leading Cryptic


Southwest Corner: Yvon at the opening moves on the Headstone


Southwest Corner: Yvon high up on the Southwest Corner


Practice Crack #1: John leads a too-short crack on the backside of the Headstone


Lori and Jim pose on top of the Headstone


Southwest Corner: Working through the crux of the Southwest Corner, a spectacular easy route on the Headstone


Painting of the "snail"


Poodles are People Too: Joe following the first pitch of Poodles


Head Over Heels: Tall people can simply reach left and bypass any difficulty; not sure what short people do

Wild Wind: Yvon nearing the top of Hidden Tower


Dazed and Confused: Thin face moves characterize climbing on this route


Dazed and Confused: Runout climbing in a sea of granite


Bird on a Wire: Lori reaches the top after a long, rope-stretching 2nd pitch


Lori and Jim pose on top of the Manure Pile at dusk


Left Mel Crack: Allen at the crux of Left Mel Crack


Checking out the pencil cactus


Left Mel Crack: Climbing the height-related crux of the Left Mel Crack


Joan Jetson: At the second bolt, high on the Pea Brain


Allen laces up for the Peyote cracks


Having lunch near Hound Rock


Coyote near the road; if you look carefully, you can see a second coyote in the background


Illusion Dweller: Pulling the final difficulties on Illusion Dweller


Clean and Jerk: Long reaches on overhanging rock constitute the crux of Clean and Jerk


Clean and Jerk: One of the best hand/fist cracks in the park


Ball Bearing: John belays a climber on Ball Bearing


Beverly describes her experience on Illusion Dweller to the others


O'Kelley's Crack: Opening moves -- despite the rating of 5.10c, the initial moves are 5.11a


Simon, waiting for his morning coffee

The gang, gathered in Joshua Tree


The whole gang


Hanging out at Ryan Campground


Joshua Tree in the early morning light


Hanging out at the campfire in Ryan


Lucie avoids the wind by sitting in a rock alcove


Lucie on her way to painting at the end of the day


Joshua Tree near Ryan Campground


Allen gets organized around camp


Late afternoon relaxation at camp


Deep contemplation


Beverly warms around her morning coffee


Breakfast at the Jones'


Breakfast at Ryan


Maguy enjoys her morning coffee

John enjoying the conviviality at camp

Illusion Dweller: Low on the all time perfect crack


Illusion Dweller: Lost in a sea of rock


Walk on the Wild Side: Eric and Lucie lounging at the belay at sunset


Junk Food: The route Junk Food traverses the Junk Clump formation on a quartz dike; it begins with two bolts, then crosses three other routes


Born in a Barn: A route on the Shorter Wall, the right-hand side of the Rock Garden Valley


Solid Gold: Martin shredding his fingers on Solid Gold


Solid Gold: Following up the sharp edges of Solid Gold; this climb is quite the finger shredder


Solid Gold: Simon leading the lower section of Solid Gold

Rubicon: Jim and Allen on Rubicon


Beverly racks up for Sphincter Quits


Sphincter Quits: Beverly sews up the lower crack, then moves up to the rest alcove


Trembling Toes: Beverly moves up to the first bolt


No Self Confidence: The crux is the section just before the roof on the left where the crack is tight hands


No Self Confidence: Steep, sustained crack climbing in the midsection of the route


No Self Confidence: Feeling pumped, this is the last rest before running it out to the top


Allen Steck Memorial Route: At dusk on the Memorial Route

Double Cross: Following the all-time classic hand crack


Orphan: Leading the initial stemming corner of Orphan; if you can stomach the off-width at the top, this is an excellent climb


Boogers On A Lampshade: Tad climbing the "burnt penis"


Boogers On A Lampshade: Tad climbing the "burnt penis"


Boogers on a Lampshade: Making the crux moves on Boogers; the high bolt protects this section

Boogers on a Lampshade: After the crux; the next piece is the tied off chicken head visible just above


Pretty rocks


Tad and Chris in the Wonderland with the Astro Domes in the background


Chris near Disneyland Dome in the Wonderland


Cool rocks in the Wonderland


Lunch break on the ledge system in front of the Astro Domes


Lucie walking through the Wonderland


Drop Zone: In the midst of the crux at Sheepbugger's Wall; the difficulty here is that the protection is at your feet while making the crux .11 moves…below that is a ledge!


Allen resting in the Wonderland


Figures on a Landscape: About to make the crux moves on the first pitch

Figures on a Landscape: John traverses across to the first belay


Pack adjustments on the way into the Wonderland


Lori hiking around the Wonderland


Mr. Toad's Wild Ride: Joe gears up for "Mr Toad's"

Solid Gold: Tom sends Solid Gold

Kama Bay (Canada) (map)

Icebreakers: The climb Icebreaker as seen from the top of Whimpsickle; the body of water in the background is Kama Bay on Lake Superior


Icebreakers Arete: Climbing Icebreakers Arete in early season


Icebreakers Arete: The crux of Icebreakers Arete involved climbing an overhanging cauliflower of ice


Whimpsickle: Tommy climbs poor ice at bottom third of Whimpsickle; this climb is anything but whimpy, as we found it to be one of the harder routes we climbed

Kandersteg (Switzerland) (map)

Looking across the valley to ski resort on the sunny side

The little town of Kandersteg surrounded by high mountains


The little town of Kandersteg surrounded by high mountains


The ice flows above Kandersteg - amazing amount and variety


Bäretritt: At the base of the fragile pillar

Bäretritt: We climbed the rock on the left to avoid breaking the fragile pillar


Bäretritt: High on the route, pumped, and looking for a belay

Arbonium: Traversing left at the start of P2


Approaching the ice climbs above Kandersteg. The free-standing pillar above him is Rattenpissoir.


Arbonium: Belaying on top of P1

Arbonium: Following the steep pillars of P2


Arbonium: Swinging a tool on the final steep pitch


Rattenpissoir: Climber works up the amazing free-standing pillar


Namenlos: We climbed the first section of this "beginner" route

La Cabrera (Spain) (map)

Desnivel -- Lists of climbing areas in Spain


At dinner after climbing at La Cabrera, Lucie and Jen examine Pedro's flying book


Unknown: Carlos climbs a difficult thin crack


Esteban Altieri: Carlos and Monolo discuss route options at the first belay


Jim and Belen pack for the hike back to the car after a full day climbing


The crag as seen from the parking area just before sunset


José María Alaiz: Unknown climber finishes the third pitch (6b)

La Pedriza (Spain) (map)

Desnivel -- Lists of climbing areas in Spain


Guirles-Campos: Belen belaying in a mess of ropes at the top of the top of the second pitch (V+)


Guirles-Campos: Belen runs it out up the third and fourth pitches (V, V+)


Guirles-Campos: Belen belays at the top of the 4th pitch


Goats scamper around the cliff


Guirles-Campos: Jesús approaches the belay leading the second pitch (V+)


Vía del Gesto: This route demanded thin laybacking, high-angle friction, and tiny crimping and was the most difficult route I climbed at La Pedriza


Pedro packing gear for the hike out with El Yelmo in the background


Caballo Blanco: Pedro climbs the crack in the middle of the first pitch (6a)


Caballo Blanco: Pedro pulls the roof near the end of the first pitch (6a)


El Yelmo at sunset; this south face has in excess of 50 multi-pitch routes


El Yelmo showing the routes we climbed

Laguna (Philippines) (map)

Eric and Martin pose for the camera

Lake Willoughby (map)

North East Ice


The Last Gentleman: The Last Gentleman (Copyright © Ade Miller)

The Last Gentleman: Leading the fragile third pitch of the Gentleman


The Last Gentleman: Ade at the belay after the traverse from The Promenade


Mindbender: Plug and Chug, Mindbender, and Renormalization


The Last Gentleman: French climbers at the first belay on the Gentleman


The Last Gentleman: Close-up of climber leading the second pitch of the Gentleman in fat conditions

The Last Gentleman: Climber leading the second pitch of the Gentleman in fat conditions


Mindbender: Will high on the final column of Mindbender


Ice cliffs of Mt. Pisgah


Boney Boy


Mindbender: Will starting the second pitch out of the cave

The Promenade: Will leading the crux columns of The Promenade


Glass Menagerie: Will dry-tooling the first 200' of Glass Menagerie in [obviously] thin conditions (WI5, M6)


Glass Menagerie: Jim and Will gearing up at the base


Mindbender: Jim leading the initial sections of Mindbender


The Promenade: Jim nearing the cave at the top of the first pitch of The Promenade

Reign of Terror: Reign of Terror as seen from The Promenade


Bullwinkle: The route Bullwinkle climbs the steep, fractured columns that hang down the overhanging rock face


Called on Account of Rains: One of the best ice routes in the East, Called on Account of Rains rarely forms to the ground; this photo shows the route in WI5 condition


Called on Account of Rains: Tom and Simeon at the cave belay on top of the first pitch


Called on Account of Rains: Leading the thin ice on the first pitch of Called; the route steepens just above, then stretches the rope to the cave visible beneath a hanging pillar on the right


Called on Account of Rains: The crux of the route climbs is the steeper section of ice just below the cave belay


The amphitheatre containing the Last Gentleman, Promenade, and Who's Who; there are two parties on the Gentleman and a part of three on the Promenade


The Promenade: A party of three climbs the first pitch of Promenade


Called on Account of Rains: Simeon starts the second pitch


Called on Account of Rains: Tommy takes the right-hand line of ice on the top pitch


Called on Account of Rains: Tommy takes the right-hand line of ice on the top pitch


Who's Who in Outer Space: A climber leads the first pitch of Who's Who in delaminated conditions

Laurel Knob (map)

Carolina Climbers Coalition


Southeastern Climbers Coalition


Asheville Weather


Laurel Knob Mini-Guide


Big Green Mountain, which can be seen on the approach to Laurel Knob


The "offset washer", which is essentially a rivot with a couple washers on it, were used as protection on some early Laurel Knob routes


Fathom: Following P4 of Fathom, 5.9


Fathom: Following P6 of Fathom, the crux pitch


Fathom: Following P6 of Fathom, the crux pitch


Sign where you leave national forest land


Rappelling a water groove


Rappelling a water groove


Rappelling a water groove


Following P4 of Fathom, 5.9

Leavenworth (map)

Doin' The Dishes: Toproping back when it was cool to do so (5.11d)


Heart Of Gold: Ade follows the crux pitch, a spectacular bolt-protected face


Orbit: Kristy and Jim Cruise Orbit

Orbit: Kristy enjoying the perfect 5.9 flake on the third pitch


Orbit: Kristy at the belay below the knobby-faced top pitches


Don't Forget Arete: Climbing an arete in Icicle Creek Canyon

Lima (Peru) (map)

Chickens and chicken bits at the market in Lima


A protest in one of the squares in downtown Lima

Little Cottenwood Canyon (map)

Coffin Crack: Low down on Coffin Crack

Little Falls (map)

Unknown: Kind of a crappy picture, but shows my early climbing days -- wool knickers, Fires, and a hammer

Green Traverse: Bouldering on Moss Island

Little Si (map)

Sorry, no pictures available

Looking Glass (map)

Carolina Climbers Coalition


Southeastern Climbers Coalition


Asheville Weather


Dingus Dog: Rappelling an eyebrow-covered face after completing Dingus Dog


Rat's Ass: Two climbers at the P1 belay


First Return: An unprotected start leads to a greasy flared crack

Lost Horse Canyon (map)

Chilling out at Observation Point

Our camp at Observation Point; it snowed…again


Chew Time: Colin follows Chew Time at the left end of the wall


Chew Time: Colin follows Chew Time at the left end of the wall


Chew Time: Standing below Chew Time


Store front of Conover's Trading Post in Wisdom, on the drive to Lost Horse (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Lumpy Ridge (map)

Climbing Boulder


Tailgate party after a day of climbing (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Lumpy Ridge, as seen from the hiking trail


Hiking into Lumpy for the day (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Fat City: Moving up the .10a finger crack to the crux roof on the second pitch; the roof is climbed at the crack just above the helmet


Relaxing after climbing Fat City/Cheap Date; note the "Texas-sized" rack (Easterners!)


Fat City: Simon leading the first pitch (5.8); Will belaying

Cheap Date: Leading the awesome finger crack of Cheap Date; this route makes a great alternative finish to Fat City


Cheap Date: Bones rippling muscles on Cheap Date


Cheap Date: Jamming is the way forward


Fat City: Bones appearing from under the crux roof on Fat City


Bones hanging back to check out the action on the cliff


Jim at the base of the Bookmark (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Inside Straight: Sequence of pictures showing climbing the flaring off-width


Inside Straight: Stuffing gear high into the off-width


Inside Straight: Laybacking the outer edge seems to be the way forward, although it's waaay pumpy


Inside Straight: Disappearing into the off-width; this is actually climbed on the outside, but it's hard to make the transition

Romulan Territory: Climbing the crux bulge on the second pitch; the difficulty of this pitch is in placing gear, as it's thin and technical

Manila (Philippines) (map)

Squatters encroach the river near Manila

Masai Mara (Kenya) (map)

Large male lion, somewhat covered in flies




Our tent at Kicheche, perhaps the most comfortable place we stayed in Africa


Breakfast during the first morning of our safari

Male elephant and approaching storm


Breakfast at Kicheche; very civilized





Two ostrich

Some bird, which type I've forgotten


Some bird, which type I've forgotten


Some bird, which type I've forgotten


Some bird, which type I've forgotten



Giraffe and baby


Resting thompson gazelle


Resting leopard


Baby elephant





Clouds moving over the mara


Bat eared fox




Sparring wildebeests










Two zebra







A troop of baboons


Tawny eagle on log


Lions feasting on a topi


Lions feasting on a topi

Lions feasting on a topi


Lions feasting on a topi


Lions feasting on a topi


Lions feasting on a topi






Two lions


Two hippos in the water


Mike prepares breakfast out on the mara


Breakfast on safari


Portrait of Mike, our guide


Some bird, which type I've forgotten

Two impala sparring


Two impala sparring


White rhino

Two white rhinos


Two white rhinos


White rhino mouth


White rhino head


Lions feasting in a cloud of flies


Lion with a full stomach


Male lion


Male lion


Two vultures


Some bird, which type I've forgotten


Tawny eagle perched on branch


Wildebeest with birds


Baboon in tree





Two vultures


Lucie in safari vehicle going into the river


Running giraffes


Giraffe with drool


Approaching storm on the mara


Jackal with the hind quarters of a dik dik


a herd of elands




Resting giraffe


Some bird, which type I've forgotten


Two crown cranes

Two crown cranes




Secretary bird


Secretary bird with nest material


Secretary bird in flight


Secretary bird landing in nest


Resting buffalo


Leopard in tree


Leopard in tree

Leopard in tree


Leopard in tree


Leopard in tree


Dik dik


Lion licking






Some bird, which type I've forgotten





Some bird, which type I've forgotten


Giraffe and two zebra

Giraffe and baby giraffe


Two waterbucks

Sparring zebras




Nursing elephant

Nursing elephant




Two elephants

Mother and baby elephants








Male elephant


Drinking elephant


Elephant with grass


Elephant with grass




Baby protected by two larger elephants


Tourists with big-ass cameras

Jumping vervet monkey

Meadow River Gorge (map)

Cross-Eyed and Blind: Jeremy at the crux of the .11a on the left side of the wall


Cross-Eyed and Blind: Big moves on steep jugs


Cross-Eyed and Blind: Big moves on steep jugs

Meteora (Greece) (map)

Travels in Greece


The gang hanging around the campground in Kastraki


Towers of the Meteora


Evening sun over the towers of the Meteora


Duett: Nikos preparing to lead the first pitch


Duett: Nikos following the crux of Duett

Es geht auch ohne!: Nikos rapping off the top


Es geht auch ohne!: Jim and Nikos on the last route before leaving the beautiful Meteora


Corner of Madness: Aris at the belay on Corner of Madness


Pillar of Dreams: Aris high on the Pillar of Dreams (about 6 pitches up)


Corner of Madness: Corner of Madness as seen on the approach


Corner of Madness: Aris nears the top of the second pitch


Pillar of Dreams: Ares reads the summit register on top of Heilger Geist


Pillar of Dreams: An anchor consists of 1/2" eye bolts

Pillar of Dreams: Looking down from the second belay -- a sea of knobs and pebbles

The town of Kastraki

The town of Kastraki with the distinctive Meteora towers in the background


Hypotenuse: Aris and Fondas at a belay on Hypotenuse


Line of the Fallen Drop: Manos leading the second pitch


Returning from a day at the crag

Hypotenuse: Close-up of Aris and Fondas at a belay on Hypotenuse


Hypotenuse: Aris and Fondas at a belay on Hypotenuse

Fingertip and Sky: Jim attempting a harder route (VIII+)


Line of the Fallen Drop: Jim leading on large knobs (notice the tied off knob)


Line of the Fallen Drop: Manos at the belay amidst a sea of pebbles


Line of the Fallen Drop: Close-up of Manos rappelling amidst a sea of pebbles


Line of the Fallen Drop: Manos rappelling amidst a sea of pebbles

Milan (Italy) (map)

Ade gawking at the models in Italy


Tour gang in Milan

Moab (map)

Climbing Moab


Utah Climbers


The slickrock above Kane Creek and a hidden arch and the Colorado River in the background; we ascended a steel cable on the ramp just beyond the arch


Looking north towards the La Sal mountains from the slickrock above Kane Creek


Pinhead: Broken rock and interesting sidepulls make this route surprisingly fun


The slickrock above Moab


Stairway to Heaven: Colin raps the first pitch; we bailed due to loose rock, rain, and general whimpiness


Pinhead: Roadside climbing on Potash Road…not the most aesthetic climbing area


Message from the locals


Dolomite Tower (the squarish spire on the left) and Lighthouse Tower (the pointy spire just to the right) as seen from River Road

Mt. Kenya (Kenya) (map)

A bicycle repair shop on the way to Chagoria


Photographing children while our truck waits to be repaired [again]


Feuling up for the journey to Chagoria


A bicycle repair shop on the way to Chagoria


Repairing the truck tire [again]


Killing time at Top Hut, the building next to the Austrian Hut

Enjoying the sunset, if not for the altitude sickness


Soaking in the warm sun in front of Nelion


Our camp near the Austrian Hut

Our camp near the Austrian Hut


Nelion as seen from Point Lenana

Waking up to the sun at our camp near the Austrian Hut


Feeling full after eating


Stormy weather moves in after setting up camp near the Austrian Hut (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Reviewing route beta (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)

Chris' tent near the Austrian Hut (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Ravenous after our successful ascent of Nelion (4 hours) (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Looking tired after our climb (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Yummy food at the Austrian Hut (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


The summit of Nelion (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Sunset at the Austrian Hut (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Sunset at the Austrian Hut (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Sunset at the Austrian Hut (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Lucie comes out to celebrate when we return from the summit (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Group shot in front of Nelion (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Southwest Ridge: Soloing the "easy slab" (more like 5.5 in places) to the notch


Southwest Ridge: View from the southwest ridge, during a break in the snow


Southwest Ridge: Let's get the hell out of here…retreat!


Southwest Ridge: Batian (centered) and Nelion (to its right) as seen from McKinder's Camp (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Southwest Ridge: Diamong Ice Couloir and the twin summits of Mt. Kenya (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Southwest Ridge: Jim sets an anchor to wait out the storm (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Southwest Ridge: Fueling up for the descent (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Southwest Ridge: Horrible rappelling in the snow on the descent (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


The road through the jungle to the forest gate was really bad -- 4WD and muddy (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


The town of Chagoria; we didn't want to hang out here very long


Shopping for expedition food

Bags of grains at the Chagoria market


We transferred our expedition supplies to the green 4WD truck; good thing too, as it was hellish 4WD


Lucie at the trailhead of the Chagoria Route


Sunrise at the Mintos Hut area


Our super cool 4WD vehicle that took us to the park gate (plus the driver)


Drinking juice boxes so we don't have to carry them (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Writing in the journal at camp at the start of the approach (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Our first day on the approach to Mt. Kenya (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


On the hike up to Mintos Hut (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)

Our camp at Hall Tarns near Mintos Hut (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Hanging out in front of the filthy Mintos Hut (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Filtering water for the day in one of the lakes near Mintos Hut (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Ready for the next day's hiking (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Jumping a bog in Temple Fields in a forest of giant groundsel (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Resting at Tooth Col (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)

The beautiful Gorges Valley with Mt. Kenya at the head (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Lucie pets a soft cactus-like plant (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Just about at the Mintos Hut on our first day of the approach (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Finally we can see the summits on the approach (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)

Lakes at Hall Tarns near Mintos Hut (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


View from our campsite near Mintos Hut (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


On the endless slog up to the Austrian Hut, Lucie begins to feel sick (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


On the final approach to Austrian Hut (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Eating at McKinder's Camp (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Talking about options…should we climb another route? (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Stream through the moss near McKinder's Camp (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Never able to keep warm, Lucie bundles up (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)

Hiking through a forest of giant groundsel

Our descent to McKinder's Camp went around Point John; the summit of Batian is just behind


Hiking with an umbrella to shade from the sun


Must have a little sun block (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Descending back to the roadhead, just entering the jungle (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Resting at the Met Station, totally beat (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Our porters at the Met Station (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Batian and Point John; the long ribbon of white is the Diamond Couloir (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Pretty flower along the hiking trail (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Repacking on the hike out (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Jim washes up, first time in 2 weeks (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Jim washes up, first time in 2 weeks (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Descending through the jungle to the Met Station (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


On the final march to the forest gate, glad to be done with it (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)

Normal Route: We soloed several pitches up to some ledges, then racked up here at daybreak


Normal Route: Chris leads the section right of McKinder's Chimney


Normal Route: Looking down from the summit at the Austrian Hut and glacier traverse


Normal Route: Sitting at a belay high on the route


Normal Route: At the top of P15, Chris downclimbs into a gully and up the other side


Normal Route: Jim sitting in front of the Howell Hut


Normal Route: Victorious on the summit of Nelion


Normal Route: Enjoying the view from the summit of Nelion

Normal Route: Hanging out on the summit; the clouds are already starting to develop for the afternoon snow


Normal Route: One of the many raps from the summit


Normal Route: Traversing the glacier to the start of the route on a recon outing (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Normal Route: Zigzagging up ledges at the start of the route (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)

Normal Route: Racking up after soling a couple pitches (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Normal Route: Leading up to the ridge past Baileys Bivy (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Normal Route: Chris belays somewhere on the route (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Normal Route: Traversing and dealing with the ropes (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Normal Route: View from the summit of Nelion (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)

Normal Route: Sitting in front of the Howell Hut (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Normal Route: Examining the single-point rappel anchor; looks good (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Normal Route: Investigating the ruined Bailies Bivy (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)


Normal Route: This thing is barely hanging together; completely unusable (Copyright © Chris Yenkey)

Mt. Lemmon (map)

Tuscon Climber's Association


Big cactus on the drive up Mt. Lemmon

Looking towards Tucson from the top of the Iranian Wall


KR Goes to Montana: Stemming action; this route is on a remote spire on the flanks of Mt. Lemmon (Copyright © Dennis Luther)


Infidel: Entering the crux high on the first pitch; this is another difficult-to-find route on the flanks of Mt. Lemmon (Copyright © Dennis Luther)


Great Expectations: Leading the second pitch (5.8), thankful to be out of the chimney below


Birthday Girl: The initial slab moves on Birthday Girl, Anduriel Tower


Girlie Mans Variation: Splitting a seam high in the chimney of Girlie Mans Variation


Bop Til You Drop: Climbing easy features through the roof on the second pitch of Bob Til You Drop


Gazing towards Tucson from the top of Rupley Tower B


Jim hanging out at the top of Rupley Tower C


Dennis hanging out at the top of Rupley Tower C


View towards Tucson after a rain storm


Hitchcock: Lori climbs up the west side of the pinnacle

The Noodler: Dennis moving up to the initial roof on the Noodler


Mean Mistreator: Pulling through the initial roof on the second pitch of Mean Mistreator, Mean Mistreator Wall


Nang: Jim near the start of Nang, Blazing Fin Tower


The Noodler: Just above the roof on Noodler, Blazing Fin Tower


The Noodler: Dennis high on the Noodler, ready to move into the upper bulge (Copyright © Dennis Luther)


The Noodler: Dennis moving up to the initial roof on the Noodler (Copyright © Dennis Luther)


Jim and Lucie on the ridge at Windy Point

Mt. Rushmore (map)

George Washington, from the free viewpoint (I can't believe you have to pay to see the "good" view)

5.9 Route: Colin follows small crimps in the rain (which turned to snow)

Mt. Washington (map)

Pinnacle Gully: Climbing in Pinnacle Gully in the mid '80s (Copyright © Stuart Williams)

Mt. Whitney (map)

East Face: Posers in front of Mt. Whitney


Mt. Whitney and surrounding spires as seen from the approach


The gang gathered in LA after the trip to Yosemite and Mt. Whitney (Copyright © Stuart Williams)


East Face: Displaying the giant rack (Copyright © Stuart Williams)


East Face: Lookin' stupid on the summit of My. Whitney (Copyright © Stuart Williams)

Nairobi (Kenya) (map)

Humble Hearts orphanage (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Tusker beer, local Kenyan beer (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Lucie kisses a giraffe named Lynn (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Dining out in Nairobi (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Three sisters, students at Humble Hearts school (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)


Lucie taught block printing at the school. This is a class of mostly deaf children. (Copyright © Lucie Wellner)

Nantucket (map)

Lucie and Jim sitting on the wharf

Narrows (map)

Banana: The Banana as seen from the towpath


The Deleware River as seen from a prominent point in the amphitheatre above Mixed Emotions


The power facility across from Main Flow


Mixed Emotions: Grix belays Joe on Mixed Emotions; this photo shows how close the road and parking area are to the climbing

Mixed Emotions: Pulling over the crux of Mixed Emotions


Mixed Emotions: Following the route "Mixed Emotions"


Mixed Emotions: Scoping for a tool placement in the thin ice


Mixed Emotions: Approaching the belay on Mixed Emotions


Banana: Climbing the Banana, the ice route high and right of Main Flow; this is perhaps the first ascent in 7 years of this route


Joa and Griz chatting in Griz's living room


Griz shares photos of PA ice with Joe


Lock Tender: Climbing the first curtain; the ice barely accepts stubbie screws


Lock Tender: Right off the deck on Lock Tender

Lock Tender: The initial chimney on Lock Tender


Lock Tender: The first overlap on Lock Tender

Lock Tender: Using technique to pass one of the overhanging overlaps


Lock Tender: The crux of Lock Tender is [yet another] hanging dagger through an overlap with poor protection; after this ascent, several bolts were added to the route


Lock Tender: Climbing the upper column in fat conditions


Lock Tender: Joe climbs the upper column of Lock Tender as a school bus drives by


Mixed Emotions: Climbing thin, unprotected ice on Mixed Emotions


Mixed Emotions: The crux of Mixed Emotions involved climbing a short hanging dagger through an overlap, protected by a single spectre


Mixed Emotions: The route as seen from the towpath; the ice flow centered at the top of the photo is Levitator


Mixed Emotions: Getting established on the hanging dagger in the crux


Main Flow: Joe gears up at the base of Main Flow


Main Flow: The route "Main Flow" as seen from the towpath; the route is about 350' high and about 20 yards from the road


Pennsylvania does have ice; here are the Narrows as seen from across the Deleware River


The Pencil: The routes "Pencil" (on the left) and "Evil Twin" (just to the right) as seen from the towpath


The power facility as seen from the top of the first pitch of Main Flow


New route potential in the amphitheatre above Mixed Emotions; the route "Levitator" is the column of ice on the left


Levitator: Climbing the start of the Levitator, which is typically M7, but is unusually fat in these conditions


Left Side: Joe soloes the route "Left Side" with the routes "Pencil" and "Evil Twin" in the background


Left Side: Joe soloes the route "Left Side" with the routes "Pencil" and "Evil Twin" in the background


Joe soloes Main Gully to approach The Pencil and other climbs


The Pencil: The routes "Pencil" and "Evil Twin" as seen from the top of Main Gully


The Pencil: The routes "Pencil" and "Evil Twin" as seen from the top of "Right Side"

Needles (map)

View of the Sorceror (on the left) and the Charlatan (on the right), taken from the second pitch of Igor Unchained


Thin Ice: Climbers on Thin Ice in the early morning

Airy Interlude: Climbers on Airy Interlude (Copyright © Tad Welch)

Negros Island (Philippines) (map)

On top of the only climbable rock on Apo Island, you can see the beach where we had lunch and relaxed between dives

Some children playing at the beach on a small banca boat

Nelson Rocks (map)

Crossing the via ferrata on the approach to climbs from the Cabins


The Cabins at Nelson


Crossing the bridge on the via ferrata


Rappelling to the climbs at Nelson Rocks


Solid-looking "towel racks" allow non-climbers access to some pretty exposed spots

New River Gorge (map)

New River Gorge Weather


West Virginia Climbing


The single-span bridge over New River Gorge


Thems Jammer's Hands


Jim and Lucie sitting at the base of Burning Calves, Beauty Mountain


Chasing The Wind: The 2nd pitch finger crack -- very hard moves intersperced with rests and great protection; I placed nearly an entire set of wires in this 100' pitch


Burning Calves: Shallow jams at the crux, belayed from below by Joe


Burning Calves: Jamming on Burning Calves


Burning Calves: Jamming on Burning Calves

Burning Calves: Burning it up on Burning Calves

Burning Calves: Burning it up on Burning Calves


Burning Calves: Burning it up on Burning Calves


Super Crack: Climbing out of the cave at the start of Super Crack


Super Crack: Steep moves out of the chimney lead to easier climbing


Super Crack: Placing gear near the start

Super Crack: Moving around the nose


Super Crack: Jeremy back cleans a piece that would otherwise cause rope drag


Super Crack: Climbing the upper crack of Super Crack


Super Crack: Joe offers support from below


Bat Crack: Joe in the middle of the thin crux; secret beta -- move right


Jaws: Shoe-ing up after climbing Jaws (and 10 hours of driving)


Zag: John stuff himself into a crack on the final moves of Zag


Marionette: Wow, what a route; Todd wasn't successful this time, maybe because of that giant rack of gear


Zag: John stuffed in a crack at the top of Zag


Lucie posed in front of the New River


The New River from near Fern Point


Jeremy shoes up for Strike a Scowl


At the start of "Bonemaster", belayed by Joe

Easy climbing in the midsection of the route


Getting established on the slopers just past the crux


The gang gathered outside the Cathedral Café, Fayetteville


Tad and Tommy show off their massive arms

Cresenta: Tad traversing under the arch of Cresenta


Cresenta: The gang at the base of Cresenta just before a downpour


Cresenta: Traversing beneath the large overhang on Cresenta


Triple Treat: A hard .10a, Triple Treat packs a punch at the roof

Party In Your Mind: Joe partying on Party in Your Mind

Smooth Operator: Will placing gear in the super Smooth Operator


Smooth Operator: Jamming the perfect cracks of Smooth Operator


Four Sheets to the Wind: Jeremy nearly splits his pants in a wide stem

New Yosemite: Climbing the perfect hand crack of New Yosemite


New Yosemite: Hanging from a jam while clipping gear


Reachers of Habbit: Thin moves on "Reachers"

Stuck in Another Dimension: Squeezing out of the chimney at the start; I thought this was the crux of the route


Stuck in Another Dimension: At the top of the crack…just a couple more moves until the rest


The Contortionist: Moving into the offwidth crack at the start


The Entertainer: At the start of The Entertainer


The "Miguel's" of the New


Roger hangs out with climbers at his place in Kaymoor


Doing a headstand to prepare for the day

Anal Clenching Adventures: Tad having an adventure at the New

Niagara Escarpment (map)

Sorry, no pictures available

North Cascades (map)

Cascade Climbers


Washington Alpine Club

West Ridge: Ade topping out on Forbidden


West Ridge: Ade nearing the summit of Forbidden


Liberty Bell, as seen from the rest stop on the highway


Beckey Route: Jim on the summit of Liberty Bell


Beckey Route: On the summit of Liberty Bell

Coleman Glacier: Stuart, Jim, and Tracy lookin' tough on Mt. Baker


Coleman Glacier: Sportin' the traditional garb near the summit of Mt. Baker (Copyright © Stuart Williams)


Coleman Glacier: Hiding in a crevasse near the summit of Mt. Baker (Copyright © Stuart Williams)

Fisher Chimneys: Stuart leading Winnie's Slide on the Fisher Chimney route


Fisher Chimneys: The upper section of Shuksan before Winnie's Slide


Fisher Chimneys: Examining the summit register on Shuksan


Fisher Chimneys: Stuart on the glacier


North Ridge: Ade and Jim Go Climbing


North Ridge: Ade ascending a tower on the North Ridge of Mt. Stuart


North Ridge: The North Ridge from the base of the Great Gendarme of Mt. Stuart


North Ridge: The North Ridge from the base of the Great Gendarme of Mt. Stuart


North Ridge: Jim leading the first pitch of the Great Gendarme or Mt. Stuart


North Ridge: North Ridge of Mt. Stuart from Goat Pass


North Ridge: Ade traversing along the North Ridge of Mt. Stuart


North Ridge: Mt. Stuart from the south


North Ridge: Jim on the summit of Mt. Stuart


West Route: Jim and Tracy feeling happy on the summit of Sahale (Copyright © Stuart Williams)


West Route: Tracy lookin' happy on the summit of Sahale; Forbidden is in the background (Copyright © Stuart Williams)

Old Rag (map)

Sorry, no pictures available

Orient Bay (Canada) (map)

Thunder Bay section of the Canadian Alpine Club


Wes Bender's ice climbing conditions


Climbing Central (ice conditions, guidebooks)


Nipigon River along Route 11 just outside Nipigon on the way to Orient Bay


Eveil Des Sens: Jim just before the crux of Eveil Des Sens in early season; this was the first climb done in the Ice Palace area


10% Real: A real classic of the area, Tommy climbs 10% Real early in the season; the crux starts just below Tommy's feet


10% Real: A little higher on the crux


10% Real: Higher up, Tommy stems onto the left wall that has just enough ice to support such a maneuver


10% Real: The climb angles back briefly, then steepens up once again for a second crux


Parallax: Tommy climbs the steep upper section of the free-hanging icicle


Parallax: Starting out on Parallax with the monster free-hanging pillar looming above


Parallax: In heavy snow, Jim climbs the mixed rock and ice to get established below the pillar


Parallax: Parallax in mid December conditions -- the pillar doesn't yet touch down


Reflection Wall: Climbing the exceptionally wet and steep Reflection Wa;;


Obsession: The climb Obsession ascends a big chimney just 50 meters from the road


Reflection Wall: Reflection Wall on a rare sunny day; our ascent was the first for the year


Cascade Falls: Tommy climbs Cascade Falls on the right -- many lines can be climbed on this massive piece of ice, from WI3 to WI4


Obsession: Tommy climbs the steep pillar at the top of Obsession; smart climbers (not us) belay at bolts on the left low on the route, then climb the route in one pitch instead of breaking the pitch at the place where this picture is taken

Ostrov (Czech Republic) (map)

Alter Weg: Topping out, reach for a hueco (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Alter Weg: Topping out past the route book (Copyright © Rayko Halitschke)


Alter Weg: Opening moves involve tunneling through the center of the tower


Alter Weg: Horizontal within the tunnel


Alter Weg: Emerging from the other side of the tunnel, now with great exposure but good pro


Alter Weg: Turning around, getting ready to start up the remainder of the route


Alter Weg: Route book and the various pieces of the container


Hanging out in the coffee shop (the one attached to the climbing store) waiting for the rain to stop


Outdoor store in Tisá is surprisingly well stocked


Many of these thin towers scattered in the forest


Thin tower seen from the summit of Deravá vež

Ouray (map)

Climbing Boulder


The town of Ouray from the Camp Bird Mine Road (county road 361); you can see Cascade Falls in the red cliff band in the background

Skylight: Leave the security of the cave on the third pitch; the ice is very unstable here


Skylight: Nikos following the second pitch up to the protected cave in the midsection of the chimney


Skylight: The awesome 3-pitch Skylight route


Skylight: Nikos at the second belay in an ice cave


The Camp Bird Mine road, on the walk into the Skylight area (Copyright © Nikos Kopidakis)


Looking southeast from the bridge, routes such as Tangled Up in Blue


Looking northwest from the bridge

Unknown: Leading an unknown line between the bridges…looks easy, but it's 4R


Tangled Up in Blue: Nikos following the classic and photogenic Tangled Up in Blue on a cold and snowy day


Tangled Up in Blue: Topping out in the Uncompahgre Gorge


Tangled Up in Blue: Jim and Nikos at the bottom of the gorge, preparing to climb


Danger sign found near the entrance to the gorge (Copyright © Nikos Kopidakis)

Tangled Up in Blue: In the gorge, in a sea of ice (Copyright © Nikos Kopidakis)


Scoping out routes between the bridges (Copyright © Nikos Kopidakis)


Tangled Up in Blue: Rappelling into the base of the gorge to climb Tangled Up in Blue (Copyright © Nikos Kopidakis)


Tangled Up in Blue: Nikos topping out (Copyright © Nikos Kopidakis)


Tangled Up in Blue: Jim near the top of the climb (Copyright © Nikos Kopidakis)


Tangled Up in Blue: Massive amount of ice under the bridge (Copyright © Nikos Kopidakis)

Owens River Gorge (map)

Checking out the view on the way into the Gorge

Fear of a Black Planet: First route in the Gorge, slippery and good

Fear of a Black Planet: Long reach at the crux

Ambassadors of Funk: Making a clip before the crux (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Ambassadors of Funk: Powering through the crux (Copyright © Colin O'Connor)

Welcome to the Gorge: Near the start, and pretty slippery

Expressway: In a sea of pockets near the anchor

Bone Up: Pulling through the first overhanging section

Bone Up: Pulling though the big overhang high on the route

Bone Up: Whew…getting established after the roof

Expressway: Thin, crimpy moves at the bottom

Expressway: Crimp…ouch!

Expressway: Steep climbing that just doesn't let up

Paris (France) (map)

Notre Dame cathedral in Paris


Louvre museum

Patones (Spain) (map)

Desnivel -- Lists of climbing areas in Spain

Hasta Incluso: Jen reaches the first clip


A zoo-like atmosphere at the crag just outside Madrid

Pembroke (Wales) (map)

UKC - UK Climbing


Not-so-good picture of the Wales coastline


Not-so-good picture of the Wales coastline, from the top


The Hole: Ade in a hole

Penetente Canyon (map)

Climbing Boulder


May Be Nueve: Mioara climbs the final crack to the anchor


Tommy reaches the anchors on Captain America; Mioara belays below