The jeepney on the way to Batad became stuck, so we all grabbed our stuff and continued on foot
Rice terraces, traditional houses, and a carabao in the town of Batad
Lucie in front of a traditional Ifugao house in the town of Batad
Rice terraces and some traditional huts in Batad; we passed this on our way to Tapplya Waterfall
Sitting at Simon's, looking out over the rugged Batad valley and its rice terraces
View of the rugged Batad valley and its rice terraces
Emiliano working on a bulul carving
Exploring the rice terraces near town
To prepare the rice patty, a woman pulls weeks, then pushes them deep into the mud to rot
Clear water pounds over the waterfall; the ferns on the rock walls of the amphitheatre undulated from the wind created by the falling water
Black Bishop
Black Bishop
Black King
Black King
Black Kinght
Black Kinght
Black Pawn
Black Pawn
Black Queen
Black Queen
Black Rook
Chess set
Chess set
Chess set
White Bishop
White Bishop
White King
White King
White Knight
White Knight
White Pawn
White Pawn
White Queen
White Queen
White Rook
Chess set
The kamagong chess set