Golden, Colorado (map)

The morning after the big bash…everyone is drinking water to treat the hangover

Indian Creek (map)

Brian approaches the top of Easter Island

Closeup of Brian approaching the top of Easter Island
Keyhole Flakes

Jamming the final crack high in the Sabbatical corner, belayed by Brian

This nice finger crack was easier for me since my large knuckles cammed well in the crack
Working Man

Brian reaches left at the crux, belayed by Mioara
Keyhole Flakes

Brian high on the route just below the anchors
Keyhole Flakes

Moving through the bottom finger-sized section of the route
Bad Rad Duality Crack

Moving through the bottom finger-sized section of the route; the crack widens to tight hands, then offwidth, then back to tight hands through the double-tiered roofs above
Bad Rad Duality Crack

Jim climbs The Incredible Hand Crack, belayed by Brian; most people find this climb a pleasure, but my large large hands didn't fit the crack and made the crux overhanging section very strenuous
The Incredible Hand Crack

What a beast this was -- a 7" off-width section, then a blind reach rightwards into a good finger crack
Unnamed #18

After placing a nut (the only nut I placed that trip), I finally got established in the finger crack
Unnamed #18

Closeup of Jim after placing the nut
Unnamed #18

South Platte (map)

Lee works his way through the crux flakes at the start of The Standard; Mioara and Tommy start up another route in the foreground
The Standard

Early morning breakfast before heading out to Wigwam