The Hut, Site Work (map)

Adam trims the "Adirondack Palm Tree"

Adam saws off his lanyard (not)

Large bucket on the excavator

Forms for the footer

South side of the foundation -- forms for the footer

Excavation crew dumping sand, then moving it into the foundation

Sheehan's excavator with its enormous bucket

Back filling the foundation with sand

Back filling the foundation with sand

Foundation as seen from the front of the hut as the excavation crew pack sand into the interior

View of the foundation from the west. The large concrete box in the center is the foundation for the chimney; the smaller free-standing piers are for posts in the timber frame.

Jim digs the trench for the phone cable on a hot, sweaty day

Jim measures the Hut site

Jim chips branches cleared from the view

John consults with the representative from the power company

The new driveway; the box on the right is the transformer

The excavation crew packs the sand with a tamping machine

A man from the power company repairs the transformer

The building site for the Hut before any work

Crane at the site before the raising

Looking south from the virgin site; stakes and ropes mark the locations of the building

The site layout occurred when the site was still snow covered; a sled was used to transport equipment to the site

The beginning of work on the concrete footers

Overview of the hole before the foundation

Another overview of the hole before the foundation

The view from the bay window