Hand made heating register (that closes) and recessed light in the basement bathroom
The basement bedroom
Bedroom closets beneath the stairs
Hallway leading into the basement bedroom
One of the shelves in the stairwell
Hallway leading to the flat files; doors on the right lead to walk-in cedar closets
Entrance to Lucie's walk-in closet
Hand made maple heating register with cherry knob for adjusting the flow
Jim's walk-in cedar closet with lots of supplies
Cedar drawers in Jim's cedar closet
Laundry sink with extending faucet head
Hand made maple plug outlet cover
Hand made maple plug outlet cover and cold air return
Hand made maple plug outlet cover and telephone jack
Posey and George on the bed in the basement bedroom
Posey in the stairwell
Looking down the stairs
Looking up the stairs
Cabinets housing the electric panel and spare light bulbs
Another one of Jim's creations -- a hand made maple light switch cover